Dare to be different
Ethan’s BaoBei teacher told him last Friday to bring an empty cut bottle to class on Monday for a project. They are learning about plants and as usual in BaoBei, every topic is followed by some practical learning. That is what I love most about this place as it is not just theory learning but hands-on too.
Ethan said he believes the teacher will teach him to grow a plant in that cut bottle as his teacher has been sharing about plants and what they need to survive.
So me being me, I did not let Ethan bring just an empty cut bottle. I let him decorate the bottle. That way, in case the teacher needs the kids to put their bottle at a corner to watch the plant grow day by day, he’ll be able to spot his bottle easily.
In any case should the teacher said the decorative item on the bottle is a distraction (since we are not too sure what is the purpose of that bottle), he can peel it off without a hassle too.
Since the theme is about plants, Ethan chose to decorate the bottle with fruits :)
I can’t wait to see what they will actually do with the bottle but my bet is definitely planting a bean. What about you?
That’s what I did when I was a kid – planting beans.
It’s the fastest way to sprout – green beans that is, so you can see results really fast.
I also nagged my mom for me to cook and eat the meager 3 stalks that came out when I was about 7 years old. Heh.
Another project I did was to grow sugar crystals – saturate water with sugar – mix sugar in until more just wouldn’t dissolve, and dangle a string – a crystal will appear after you store it in a dark cool place like a cupboard. Takes 2 weeks though.
I remember having to keep a damp piece of bread and culture some fungus….but nothing came out so I added a bit of my urine and the next morning…lo and behold!!!! all the green-green black-black mold on it!!!! LOL!!!
Interesting project. Bet Ethan is excited! I also think they will be planting a bean :)
Sam’s kindergarden plant the bean in an egg shell instead :)
plant beans is cool, but it will get smelly if use the cotton type way -.-
Wow! My 3yo son goes to the Baobei in USJ Taipan and he did this same activity too!! Looks like Baobei syncs up their activities throughout all the branches. They planted onions on real soil, not cotton and beans like we did back in primary school.
Interesting project. His pot sure easily to differentiate as it’s special decorated.
Chloe’s kindy would ask for “donations” of these plastic bottles, cups n containers in advance from parents so we do collect and pass to them from time to time. Chloe’s kindy (now -ex) used to have these plant-and-watch-them-grow activities quite often. So far she has brought home bean sprouts, spring onions, papaya seedling etc…