Renewing Malaysian Passport
It’s that time again to renew our passport. Formerly we can renew it at the Immigration Office in Subang Airport but they are no longer there so where can we renew our passport? The next nearest to us is the one in Kelana Jaya.
You’ll definitely need a KIPAS coz damn hot man…
What you’ll need to renew your passport:
* to be 18 years and above
* passport with chip
* MyKad
* 1 latest passport size photo
* RM300 (5 years) or RM100 (2 years) CASH only
Then proceed to the passport renewal kiosk.
Insert passport
Insert MyKad
Once verified, remove passport and MyKad
Place right thumb and then left thumb for verification
Select your height
Key in your contact number
Insert payment
Collect the receipt. Put 1 passport photo, old passport and photocopy of MyKad and pass it to the officer on duty.Â
Collect the new passport within an hour but for us, it was super peak season now that we came several days later to collect.
Wow…that peak? So much so you guys had to come another day? I thought should be alright?
My queue number shows over 200 ppl before me. Tak sanggup tunggu oooo…
with a “vending machine” and still had to wait that Loooooooong! *faint*
Waiting for the collection only. The renewing process was a jiffy…
wow.. is damn convenient hor without long queue..
Yes it is :)
Too bad you can’t come to Sibu to make/renew… One hour and you’ll get it done already! I just got mine done – RM300…and then the budget the other day, that guy said reduced to RM150…right or not?
My parents were telling me about the reduced fee for senior citizens too. I’m not too sure about it though. Here oso can get within one hour but it’s just super peak right now with all the city folks flying about!
Nice and easy! Good for my next renewal. :)
Yes, definitely easy provided you don’t do it during super peak season :)
Pretty easy and convenient right. I renewed it before via the kiosk too. Wah now super peak season till you have to come back after several days to collect? Scary.
Yes, actually it’s pretty easy and convenient IF you know how and what to do. There was a couple in front of us who do not know what to do and got stuck there like forever? Language options are only BM and English so those who do not know these two languages will find it difficult. But then again, there is that picture guide to help you out too right?
Wow so cool I mean the machine not the hot place. STP thought at the budget its 50% off for senior citizen? You paid RM300? Why that guy say syiok only or what?
The machine will be so cool if I put in passport and they’ll give me money :P
so easy? How long does it take for you to deal with that machine?
5 mins?
happened the same at immigration shah alam. we went breakfast even. and come back to collect it few days after that. so sian…….
i always thought the kiosk can do on the spot, but still gotta do it manually :P what’s the point?
They put the kiosk there to scare old folks. I overheard an old man behind my hubs calling his son on the fon saying, “I can’t do this. I dunno how to read and I’m hopeless when it comes to machines”. Poor old man…
If thumb print cannot be verified…KNS! Have to take the number from the counter and queue again. That’s what I had experience before. @#@$%^^
i know! I remembered your entry saying the immigration office is no longer in Subang Airport and the officer insisted for you to queue for machine and the headache that follows!
I’m glad I did not go through such hassles but the collection part was horrifying. Thank goodness we were smart enough to leave and come back several days later! We collected the passport within minutes then!
renewing passports?? Cuti Cuti Overseas kah?? It’s time to renew my passport and get passports for my kids too..
The renewal become so convenient & fast with the machine! *MALAYSIA BOLEH*
new machine, new usage, same old rules :/ bleh
They really improve a lot already….
Wow…so peak. We are going to Sg this coming christmas, and need to get my boy a passport. We are wondering how to get my boy to take passport photos, as he just can’t stop for a second.
Haha! last time I renew, there was someone to help me with the machine as well, so I did not even have to lift a finger except to scan my thumb. Love this kiosk! : )
I usually have my passport renewed through the old way in Shah Alam. I know I’ll have the same problem as Yee Ling if I do it over the machine because my thumbprints are … well, sensitive.