Baskin Robbins Flavor Election Finale
We attended the Baskin Robbins Flavor Election finale yesterday evening at The Square, Publika. We were given color coded t-shirts in accordance to the flavor that we have voted earlier. I voted for sixthseal.com hence we got the PINK tee.
Ethan’s pink tee. Good to make a princess dress :P
Darling and I in pink too.
And then we started eating and eating because Malaysians being Malaysians, it was free flow (of Baskin Robbins for Nuffnang bloggers last night)!
Eat somemore..
And more… BURP!
Then I spotted the one and only sixthseal himself. He’s the reason we were all wearing pink lah. Look at him at the height of his macho-ness. Pink tee, pink bottle, pink board, pink cheeks!
We were then introduced to the rest of the bloggers who represented the other 4 flavors.
Soon after it was the Baskin Robbins ice-cream eating competition. Without a doubt I was rooting for team PINK!
While the rest of the contestant were eating spoon by spoon, Huai Bin ate the entire scoop at one go! :O
Can see or not? The entire elephant went into his mouth!
Needless to say, his team won the challenge.
Look at them already celebrating while the rest are still struggling to finish their ice-cream. Team PINK totally dominated the game!
Though we’d love to stay back and have more fun..
Because Baskin Robbins is making people HAPPY.. but we had to leave as I have to report at KLCC by 6am the next morning. I can’t afford to stay up too late so we left midway :(
Another reason for us leaving early is..
We ate too much Baskin Robbins ice-cream and DOUBLED UP side ways! See?! So KEMBANG liao :P
LOL at the last statement!! Haha!!
Ooooo…so much fun! Wish I were there! And all that ice cream! BR’s my favourite…not crazy about HD, melts so fast and feels like drinking cold milk (made from milk powder). Nice t-shirts!
Too bad HB didn’t win the contest despite all our votes… :( I voted much earlier when it first started…then two days before the end of the contest, I checked and I saw that the tick was not there…like I had not voted, so I quickly ticked again. Dunno what happened and dunno if all the other early votes disappeared too or not.. This is why I hate online contests. Tsk! Tsk!
I voted at the very last minute! :P Most importantly we all had fun lah during the finale :)
I would’ve gone for the party if I could too. It sure sounded like fun with the free flow of Baskin-Robbins ice cream. =)
Oh yeah.. getting your brain freezed at night is so much fun! :D
oh.. you were there? I went too!!! hehehe.. with Princess in high fever and in stroller all time.. bad mummy just for ice cream! :p
I was there, not too long though. Just enough to double up sideways and catch the ice-cream eating competition :)
aiyah.. this one I sure win one!! hahaha…
LoL! Rugi you are not based in KL lah Claire!
Haha! Thanks for the support Merryn! :)
I’m told that it takes a lot of self-confidence to pull pink off. ;)
Thanks for the votes too Arthur, much appreciated!
Anyway, it was team effort, that ice cream eating contest. I couldn’t have done it without the other two who were really fast too.
The BR people told me that they were considering putting more ice cream for the next eating competition coz we demolished all the ice cream before the 2 minute time.
It was a pleasure meeting you all!
Thanks for coming Merryn, hope you had fun!
You are welcome HB!
You sure do look good in PINK! :P
See what you’ve done? You’ve UP-ed the level for the next contest! >_<
wow, free flow BR31 sound really good however I’ve missed this >.<
Rugi ler u missed this!
hi Merryn, came across your blog while searching for some Baskin Robbins finale pictures.
Curi some of your photos with credits. hope u dont mind><
Really enjoy the free flow icecream that night and just forget about diet for that moment :D
Hope nuffnang will have more events like this in the future :)
Oh yes! Hope Nuffnang will have more events like this and all Nuffnang bloggers will be fat fat round round and cute cute!
Ethan looks good in dress. HAHA
hahhahaha!! I like the epic shot of Huai Bin ehh! *big thumbs up* ;DDDDD SO FARNEYY~
Yerr, I want the black tee la but no more adi, end up wear til so grey!! LOL!!! =X
Btw Huai Bin really can eat,one big scoop popped in… wondering how he did that!!
Wuah, you’re a real event queen, I see you attending events after events! :D
A mouthful of whole scoop of ice cream.. Really geng!
hahaha. So cute la Ethan in dress. Ur hubby kembang? XD so fast!