Afro Head Steamed Broccoli & Fishball
I had planned to make this afro head steamed broccoli and fishball for lunch today.
It took me ten minutes to get that ONE afro head done. I was expecting a guest for lunch so I knew I won’t be able to get this ready on time. I stir-fried them instead >_<
Nevertheless, here’s the recipe of what I intended to make:
Carrot, cut into 1cm thin sharp pieces
Corn flour
Oyster Sauce
Chicken Stock
Cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces.
Poke a carrot through the broccoli and poke a fishball into it.
Add carrot eyes.
Steam the afro head broccoli and fishball for 10 minutes.
To make sauce:
Heat wok with a bit of cooking oil and then add in the chicken stock and oyster sauce.
Thicken the sauce with a little cornflour.
Drizzle the sauce on a plate and arrange the steamed afro head broccoli and fishballs on top.
haha, does it make Ethan gains more appetite when it comes to cuter stuff? :P
of coz! All kids are like that :)
How creative!!! I thought its boiled egg in middle.. oh its fishball!!!
Haha green afro and orange eyes? He must be from Sungei Wang haha. War of the Worlds Goliath review
Get Harry kor-kor to teach him….he’ll be a masterchef one day…
Wow, food craft, very nice! But so much work wor, esp the cutting!! I wont have the time to decor my food. I’ll just dump all into the wok or just steam them :D
Absolutely adorable! Quite a bit of work though:D
hahahah! tak mudah sangat…banyak makan masa.. aiya, gunakan pen sajalah! XD lukis saja…;P senang~
Damn cute !! hahaha.. so creative !!
It’s so cute and creative, I ‘m sure Ethan love it a lot.
Warr…so in ar? :D
stirfried ad still look the same? the hair takda patah? XD
U make vegetable dish more interesting!
Aiya, so cute! I wanna try too!