Optimal Brain Development
Two things work better than one. How very true that is. Many things work better when complemented by another.
I was watching Ethan playing with his Thomas train today. The thing about these toys is that they are often sold separately.<
We started with the Thomas train but Ethan got frustrated as he could not carry anything with only the engine so we made another trip to the mall..
I like to think that the above IS Thomas. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not a fan of them but Ethan is!
Since Thomas is not much good on its own, we bought a couple of carriages to complete it.
Thomas is now whole and fully functional. Even those carriages are not any good without Thomas as they can’t move on their own. But together, they make the best partnership ever!
Come to think of it, toys are no better without children playing them! Everything complements each other.
Children learn through play. We can optimise their learning process by providing a better playing environment and feeding them with the best nutrients.
We mothers always want the best for our kids. Often, the first thing we look for in a growing up milk powder is DHA. The more, the better right? We are made to believe that DHA alone is the hero ingredient for optimal brain development and function. After all, DHA is a key building block of brain cells. DHA is also crucial for vision development.
What most of us are not aware is, while DHA is important, it is also equally important to have other nutrients, such as Gangliosides to complement DHA.Â
DHA helps build brain cells while Gangliosides helps connect brain cells. What a team! The more the connections, the more and faster the kids learn. Therefore, having DHA alone is insufficient for optimal brain development. Only when complemented by other nutrients, such as Gangliosides do they work in synergy to deliver the best result.
Anmum Essential has both DHA and Gangliosides combined in a unique formulation. The new Anmum Essential has 80% more DHA and 25% more Gangliosides for the most powerful double brain benefit.Â
Smart parents make smart choice for smarter children ^_^ because, together, great things can happen :)
Dunno my brain still can develop or not hahaha :D
Yes, they learn through play – develops their imagination, their creativity, makes them more innovative..
Yes, it’s Thomas. My boy also loves to play the train set.
kids are very smart now….
what a nice sponsored post!! haha, i like the way you tell the story of getting the full set of Thomas and slowly brings in DHA and finally the product Anmum Essential!! hehehe, i guess you are also drinking lots of DHA to be that smart~~ :D
Play is very important to kids and just like your Ethan my Jariel loves Thomas a lot!
It’s been so long since I last came here, I hope all is well with you! Your bo has grown so much already!
Yes, you’re right the first one’s Thomas. haha. Majority of boys will like it right?
I bought first box of Annum Essential to try out for my daughter. I tried the milk. It’s less sweet. However notice it’s more oily. So I check out the ingredient content and compare with my previous milk. Yes, Annum Essential is less in sugar but high in saturated fat (amount is double than previous milk). If my daughter takes 5 times milk per day, the saturated fat intake has exceeded the recommended level for a child. So I’ve switch back including a few of my friends too.