Celcom First WiFi – The WiFi that powers the nation
We are in that era where we just HAVE to be connected at all times, aren’t we? If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that I’ve recently ‘complained’ about not having connection when I was back at my in-laws.
I can’t live without my laptop, smart phone and now even the camera comes with wi-fi!
Celcom has launched Celcom First WiFi, a wireless internet service available for all. At selected public places, everyone and anyone can get online with their laptops, smartphones and tablets. Now I can go shopping and STILL blog as I can stay connected with faster WiFi speed as opposed to using the public wifi.
One important factor is I can manage and keep track of my WiFi usage and data volume quotas efficiently via the WiFi portal. I can also purchase my reloads manually (via SMS or reload coupons) or set standing instructions for auto-reloads.
Click here for more details.
I use their mobile wireless modem…so I can bring it everywhere I go and stay online all the time. So far so good…
Eeeee……I saw that slow, cranky iPhone 4S here…..