Perfect Romantic Escape
The last time we stepped foot in Langkawi was back in 2002. Wow, that was TEN years ago! @_@
There.. ten years ago in Langkawi, Darling and I looked like that ^.^
How did we let a decade passed by without returning to Langkawi? Maybe we got married, delivered a baby and life got so hectic that we did not get the chance to travel anymore :( When did my life turned so sad? :'(
Now, if I could go wherever I want, I need not go far. As long as I get to go for a beach getaway will be paradise!
Darling and I love the sun, sand and sea. I am after all a submerryn! :P
Why the sudden mention of Langkawi? That is because when we went to Langkawi a decade ago, it was during the holy month of Ramadan. We all know that the puasa month is fast approaching and when Darling and I were discussing about the possibility of going for a short getaway, fond memories of our Langkawi holiday popped in our mind.
I would love to stay at this particular Mediterranean-inspired marina and resort Awana Porto Malai this time around as Darling and I would love to take a romantic stroll along its breezy boardwalk and discover the beauty of the sunset on the horizon of nearby islands.
We would definitely take the Langkawi Cruise Tour as we won’t want to keep paddling on sand!!! >.< Taking to the seas to relax and feel the gentle sea breeze. Since we are at it, we will also sign up for the Sunset Dinner cruise that will take us on a pleasant trip across the Andaman Sea, in full view on the beautiful Langkawi islands as the sun sets. And on a really good day, we might even chance upon spinner dolphins and flying fish swimming around the yacht! Now, that would really be awesome!! I would also like to try the saltwater jacuzzi as the ones that I had has always been freshwater..
The next day, I would treat ourselves to a pampering session at the recognized 5-star Javanese Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa. I’ve tried the one in Awana Kijal and I love it max! The pampering really soothe me and Darling love the effect of the aroma therapy oil on my skin then. It made my skin so supple and smooth to the touch…
After our spa, we will have a romantic dinner at Zest;Â at the boardwalk while enjoying a glorious view of the legendary Pregnant Maiden Island.
Having said all that, the one thing that I really want to accomplish while being in Langkawi is making a trip to Pulau Dayang Bunting. Everyone knows the legend of that island. I don’t think I need to even mention why I want to pay a visit there. Just crossing my fingers and hoping that a silent wish will indeed come true..
All I’m asking for is a local island holiday.
After all, as it is famously known, the idyllic Awana Porto Malai Langkawi is perfect for travellers who appreciate scenery and romance. We could really use some romance right now…
You look so much nicer now. Hubby, ummmm….never mind. LOL!!!
LOL! I second that, STP~
Me third!!!!ahhahahahha
you hasn’t change much over the decade, but William!!!! LOL! ok.. indeed he looks better now!! LOL! *run and hide far far before William come after me!*
Nice, never been to Langkawi.
I want to go Langkawi again too. You didn’t age at all but your Hubs looks so much different. I like his hair 10 years ago..LOL.
You must teach me how you maintain your youthful look! You look the same and I can say even better now!!
You must teach me how you maintain your youthful look! You look the same and I can say even better now!! More Leng Lui!
William’s hair so stylo last time! :D
i want my island holiday too! haha!
William definitely AGED! u made him macam ini ke??? the first pic..he look so young!!! ok i m running now cos i dont want to get knock on my head.
:'( Ten years ago he was the happy go lucky guy pak-tor-ing with me. TEN years down the road, he’s married with a kid and is the sole bread-winner of this family. Guess I have to go find a job to share the burden so that he can look good again :(
aww Langkawi eh? I miss that island too! love the beach especially! :D
wow… you haven’t change much and you still look young…
Langkawi :)
A place we’ve been back to almost every year this century… even when wife was one month from due date. I guess our trip there tomorrow, while he’s still 17 months, would still keep that average going.
Sand, sea, sailing, sunsets, scenery, serenity…
Beach, beer, bumming, breeze blowing, babe, and now baby…
no currency exchange, no language barriers, no passports and travel forms…
Best of all, flights are from the airport just 10-15 minutes away, needing only a 10 minute walking distance from car to check-in and the plane… and occasionally tickets starting at RM0.
See you when we’re back!
Yeah I know! You go to Langkawi like nobody’s business. Beer is cheaper than Coke! ^_^
I like your comment. If there is a LIKE button I’d liked it a thousand times! :D
You didn’t change much! Tell us your secret. ;) But that photo you took 10 years ago look as if you took it in the 70s. Maybe it’s bcoz of William’s hair? hehe. Jgn marah ye, Mr. William. I also haven’t been to Langkawi for ages. The last time I went there was in secondary school!
You didn’t age, Merryn and you are absolutely getting more beautiful :D
I’ve never been to Langkawi, maybe it’s time to plan for our next anniversary.
Yes! Go again and bring your little one too. Hubby and I also went to Langkawi about 10 years ago. Hubby and I were talking the other day on going back to Redang, and this round with the kids. hahaha! Bring back fond memories.
All the while my friends comment Langkawi is rather bored. But reading your post, it seem quite happening there. Yeah you look great compared to previous.
Me third…ahahhahahahaha
Oikss…I am supposed to reply comment to STP’s one. how come kenot..
Ada mah.. sudah masok ur third place mia comment -.- u pingat gangsa :P
Wah, young photos……you still looked the same now leh!
wow, i also cannot remember when was my last trip to langkawi also.. maybe at least 10 years ago.. but my first trip there was the form 6 graduation trip in 1998..
Wah…..u really more babelicious now…..guess giving birth helps a lot! Hehehhe…
I wanna go Langkawi!!!
Wah! Wanna go Pulau Dayang Bunting? Want a little sister for Ethan? : D
Oh, William is totally different now, are u sure the guy in that photo was William? O.O
I’ve been stay at Awana Langkawi before, love that~
Whoaa!! What a very romantic couple!! I wonder what cream you put on your face? Must be Creme La Eternity….