1001 Ideas for 2 and win up to RM2,500 cash
*48 hours sticky post. Scroll down for latest update*
I’m a stay at home mother. Ethan attends class for only 1 ½ hours daily and the rest of the day is spent with me at home. That means he spends a considerably large number of hours at home with me. That also means that we can get bored really easily if I do not plan for interesting activities to be done together with him.
I do my best to have new activities lined-up for him every day but sometimes, ideas just run dry. Today is one of those days. As bored as we are, we went to the playground in the evening just like any other day.
Even the playground doesn’t fascinate him much anymore as we are here almost every day! But today is a little different as we have Darling joining us. He brought along some stuffs to the playground.
As soon as we are at the playground, Darling got Ethan to sit down with him on the grass and got his stuffs out of the bag. He took out a plastic bag, a string and a pair of scissors.
Darling helped Ethan to tie the string to the plastic bag.
Woo lah! Just like that, a kite is born! Ethan had the time of his life running with the plastic bag functioning as a kite! What a great time (and workout) he had!
Look at that. He played with that plastic bag kite until dusk without getting bored!
Thank goodness for that fresh idea from Darling. I believe this will keep Ethan entertained for at least a week if not two!
As a stay at home mother I can really use all these fresh ideas. Keeping a child entertained is no easy task. I want to be there WITH him, doing things WITH him as I believe that experience is a child’s best teacher but sometimes, ideas just don’t come easy. You can imagine my relief when I stumbled upon this site:
It was heaven sent! I learnt countless new ideas to do with Ethan and what is best; I can even contribute my very own ideas to that site. I think I shall submit Darling’s plastic bag kite idea there as that is really a very fun activity!
What is more awesome is that every idea submitted stands a chance to win the Grand Prize of:
•RM2,500 cash + 1 exclusive hamper from Friso
Not only that, 8X Weekly Winners will win
•RM200 cash + 1 free tin of Friso each (voucher)
I’ve just submitted my idea and it’s now featured in the 1001 ideas for 2 along with other great ideas.
Who knows, our idea might win us the attractive prize!
You too can join the fun. Hurry up and submit your ideas here.
Good idea! Good luck in winning..:)
I remember my dad used to play that with me when I was young. A nice idea. Good luck!
I like this! Simple and fun for the kids. Good Luck!
Great idea! Kides do not need anything sophisticated to have fun. But I’ll KIV that – can buy him a real kite should I be hopping over to KL. Not anytime soon though… :(
What a great idea! Good Luck to you.
Good luck…
what I did with Sam is she watch her youtube(cartoon) & I watch my drama >.< *I know I'm a bad mommy T_T)
Great idea there merryn.. :)
hats off to you…you’re such a great mom, really like the idea :-)
Ww, interesting Idea :)
he he he, very innovative kite
Oh, I certainly need this ideas. One for each day. No need to scratch head =)
good luck for the contest ! :)
Wow..that’s interesting! Ethan so big now since I last saw him.
Good luck ..jan (means ‘dear’ in Persian)
My mum is a Thai and a housewife like you. Every morning I had to follow her to Spastic Children’s centre where all cerebral palsy kids were my playmates. I was exposed to the handicapped world since 3 years old and that moulded me to do charity on my own till today. I had little toys and she didn’t plan much like you which I salute your determinations. So I drew and drew till I ended up in US advertising college. Just my 2 cents story.
Wow! Then I shud take away Ethan’s toys too so that he’ll draw n draw and end up in US! Then I can go visit ^_*