Pre-register ONLINE to win a Samsung GALAXY S III NOW!
*48 hours sticky post. Scroll down for latest update*
The new and much anticipated Samsung GALAXY S III was launched to the media on the 24th May to a rousing applause from the audience. We were amazed by the smooth presentation and outstanding product demo.
I am sold! Yeah I am really SOLD! Read about it here if you don’t already know how SOLD I am >_<
I super love the huge 4.8” HD Super AMOLED display. It makes navigating such a breeze and the larger display is simply easier on the eyes too.
You know I can’t live without a smart phone. It is embedded into my life that I’ll just seize to function should my fon die on me. Okay, it’s not that my current fon is dying on me *touch wood* but I’m just so tempted to try Android instead.
So apa lagi? Wait anxiously for the consumer launch pulak lah! *coming REAL soon I heard!*
I got to know that if I pre-register online for the Samsung Galaxy S III with Celcom from 25 – 30 May 2012, I’ll stand a chance to win a Samsung GALAXY S III! Fuh!
I logged on to www.celcom.com.my/smartphones/galaxys3.php and fill in my particulars.
Sorry-lah, IC number must padam abit. After entering my personal particulars, I clicked NEXT.
Woot! Share this with friends who are equally keen on the Samsung Galaxy S3 consumer launch. Ajak them to attend the launch with me! The more the merrier!
You can skip this part but you won’t be in the running to win that GALAXY S3 then because only those who shared it with 5 of their friends on Facebook, entitles them to enter the lucky draw at the launch to be in the running to win a Samsung GALAXY S III! I shared with 20 friends! Do I get more chance at the lucky draw? ^_^
See! I selected 20 leh! Maximum dah! Sorry to those that I did not manage to invite :(
In just 4 simple steps, I’m already on my way to Celcom’s Samsung GALAXY S III consumer launch which is happening real SOON!
Why Celcom? Because a smart phone must have a smart business partner.
• Celcom has the widest network coverage anywhere in Malaysia, indoors, outdoors and on-the-move.
• Celcom offers the best network quality, be it messaging, voice calls, video calling, surfing, email, etc.
• Celcom gives you the richest web and video streaming experience with its stable connection.
Nuff said, now I’ll just wait for that e-invite and jet my way to the launch. Oh yeah, before I forget, to those of you I did not managed to send the invites (because I maximised the 20 quota >_<) you can pre-register online now at www.celcom.com.my/smartphones/galaxys3.php
That day I attended the media launch you all bising say I tak ajak you guys, now here’s an open invite. Cepat go register yourselves!
See ya there!
okie going now to register! hehhee….
faint with all these changgih stuff! i m using s2 at this moment and yet i dont see how fantastic a smart phone is compare to my just call and sms old nokia phone.
LOL! So no more an Apple fan? : D
LOL!! I also want la! >.<
HAHAHAHA, poor Isaac, kena tick name xD
I promote his name wor.. kesian meh? :P
Got an invite to one Samsung Olympics event…I declined. :(
Thanks for sharing this. I just pre-registered too! Wait, at no charge right? :P
No charge lah of coz… haha.. :P