Language is no barrier
To me, play is very important for Ethan. I try to bring him to the playground every day if we are at home. Sometimes the weather doesn’t permit us to do so but on good days we spend our evenings in the playground, soaking in some sunshine, filling our lungs with fresh air and treating our eyes to the lush greenery around us.
Ethan used to play with our neighbour’s kids but their Mom made a new rule of not going to the playground during school days recently so Ethan is mostly on his own these days. Until today that is. He saw a boy about his age. He asked me if he can play with him. I said yes. Ethan ran up to him. The boy ran away… Ethan looked at me and asked why? I said maybe he ran too fast, maybe he startled that boy. Ethan walked gently to that boy and again that boy ran away…
I walked up to that boy, asked for his name and asked if Ethan can play with him and he answered, “Tapi saya tak tau cakap Cina” to which Ethan quickly replied, “Saya pun tak tau cakap Melayu”. LoL! Ethan actually said he doesn’t know how to speak Malay IN the MALAY language! >_<
Immediately those two ran off and played together. I heard Ethan counting, “Satu, Dua, Tiga..” and then the boy counted, “One, Two, Three”! Haha..
Ethan can’t speak Bahasa Melayu well. In fact, he has never really spoken Bahasa Melayu to anyone before until today. His only exposure to BM is during my tuition classes with the Malay kids.
Kids are so cute. They played together the entire evening like as if they are the best of friends even though they don’t have a common language.
Be it Chinese or Malay… Right now, they are the best of friends!
Race. What race? The only race they know is, “I’ll RACE you to the FINISH line!” race…
So cute, kids are like that. One minute is best friend and next minute is enemy.
hahaha “Saya pun tak tau cakap Melayu” lol.. adorable :)
Kids that age pick up language the fastest…up through primary school. Many parents make the mistake of blindly insisting that they master ONE language only at this time. Actually, by secondary school or later, already too old to learn new languages. (Not my theory, according to the experts – this is in the language teaching and learning books)
Some girl trying to promote something phoned, speaking in Mandarin…and to avoid speaking to her, I said, “Woe pu hoi ciang hua yee!” and she asked, “Nee sien chai ciang sher mer hua leh?” LOL!!!
Haha! U know oso! Exactly macam Ethan! Lol..
yupppp! so true! sometimes we adults make it so complicated. =D
btw so cute la ethan!!
awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! SHO CUTE!!!! saye pun tak tau cakap melayu! *pinch pinch ethan boy* ;D
So good that Ethan is so sociable.
Ethan is so friendly. Kids get along well very fast. As long as there are play, they are the best of friends.
So cute…! Yes, kids can blend immediately even if they have not met each other before. It’s so natural.
Klang Valley still got fresh air ah? hehe. Ethan is a very friendly boy. He will have lots of friends next time
Kids are so cute and naive :-)
Ethan is so cute in saying that!
Happy Mother’s Day to you :-)
Some kids also runaway from Gwen when she approach them. Ethan is so cute..suddenly he speaks BM haha.
The boy play alone in the playground before you guys came?
this is the 1 Malaysia!