Instagram is now available on Android devices…
Say what?! Just when Instagram used to be exclusive to us iPhone users now it is available to Android users as well? Bleh…
Have never been a fan of Android and now that they got it too feels so bleh…
Time to give up Instagram.. bleh :P
Click here to see iPhone user’s reaction to Android Instagram! Bleh.. bleh.. bleh!
Haha… Sharing is NOT Caring ah?!
Now… let’s find what else is left exclusive to us iPhone users… bleh ^_^
Eh zero comments here? Where are all those proud Android users? They are supposed to criticize this post! LOL!!
Anyway, I’m not a fan of Instagram – so nice meh? Hahaha!! So Android users can use all they want! LOL! So funny lah some of those tweets from Apple fans! Can’t stop laughing XD
hehehe…i lke that idea though sadly its not available for the HTC One yet. grrrrrrr…
Haha :D I am neither an android user nor an iPhone user. :p
Android is the best… Can do more things an Apple can… :P