Preserving Newspaper Cutting
You know right that I’m fehmes? *cue to massively vomit blood now* :P
We appeared in the newspaper several times before and I treasure them like those are the most valuable thing in the world to me. *jakun* I framed them up and hung it where people can see it. Unfortunately I noticed that after some time, those newspaper cuttings tend to turn yellow.
The other day, while printing some worksheets for Ethan, I thought of something. It came to my mind of duplicating those newspaper cuttings before they turn any yellow-er!
I told Ethan my idea and immediately that boy took the newspaper cutting.
Placed it on the scanner
Pressed just ONE button
And it’s done! All this without even needing to switch on the computer!
Just watch this video to see how simple it is to duplicate a document using our printer :D
Now I have more than ONE copy to show off ^_^ I can hang it in the classroom in my house as well as in the Studio :D
You can’t even tell the difference! People don’t even realise that it is actually a duplicate that I framed while the original cut out I filed nicely and keep it in a safe! :P Best of all, this copy WON’T turn YELLOW! :D
Too bad I don’t have any newspaper cutting of myself to keep, :P
we all know you femes..
i also no newspaper cutting for myself… saddd :P
haha i have mine in pdf file. asked the editor to send to me. But i lost my copy of wanita hari ini interview :(
Definitely a good way….
Nice especially it’s in the frame! More to come!!!
Good to keep this well. It is very precious memory for you and Ethan.
Must be an expensive printer you got there!
Surprisingly it is not. It costs me around RM300+ only. :D
I saw you reply Carolyn that your printer cost RM300++. Guess we bought the same printer. Hehehe.. I also not yet framed up mine. Me very lazy 1.
Famous o..
Nice way to preserve the newspaper cutting. Where did you buy the frame, Ikea?
super famous merryn! :) a very useful printer there wor
Yea I couldn’t tell that the framed pictures were from your printer!
I was told that laminated newspaper will never turn yellow too. Maybe can try laminating the original?
know you are famous laaaa! =p