Anmum Materna – Am I Taking It? :D
*48 hours sticky post. Scroll down for latest updates*
It all started when my friend, a mother of a 3-month old girl posted on FB saying she’s giving away 3 boxes of Anmum Materna milk powder. I commented that she might as well continue drinking those until she finishes them all up but she replied that she is currently on Anmum Lacta as she is breast-feeding her daughter.
One lady who responded to my friend’s give-away is yet to be pregnant but is keen to have the milk. Someone else commented that she should not be too greedy to request for it when she is not even pregnant.
I remembered when I was trying to conceive Ethan, I started taking Anmum Materna 2 months before we even started TRYING. The reason was because our family doctor advised me to strengthen my body first before even trying to get pregnant. I was rather weak then and he said that folic acid, iron and calcium are good to prepare a woman for pregnancy. Expecting mums need to get enough calcium to help build strong bones. Folic acid is important during pregnancy to prevent Neural Tube Disorder (NTD). Mommies-to-be also need iron for red blood formation needed to deliver oxygen to the child. It is also important to have sufficient level of folate during pregnancy for the development and growth of the child’s spinal bone and Anmum Materna is able to provide 100% daily folate requirements when taken according to recommendation.
He recommended for me to start taking pre-natal milk. I chose Anmum Materna as it is the pioneer and also the No.1 pre-natal milk in Malaysia.
Another reason to start taking pre-natal milk before pregnancy is also because while trying to conceive, we will never know for sure if conception actually took place and by the time we find out will usually be 6 weeks later. Essential brain cells begin to form as early as 27 days after conception hence the importance of women trying to conceive to consume food which provides Gangliosides and DHA to support early mental development of child. Gangliosides help with brain cell connections. More cell connections lead to faster learning.
One of my colleague back then lagi best. She simply said, “if you are trying to conceive, start drinking milk YESTERDAY!” Her reason being many expecting mothers are extremely nauseous during the 1st trimester or even worst, throughout the entire pregnancy and may reject milk hence DRINK MILK now while you still can! As simple as that.
When I finally conceived, it is just natural that I wanted the best for him. I did not want to take chances and stick to the most trusted brand, the pioneer Anmum Materna. I continued taking it until I delivered a healthy and bouncy baby :D
Most of my friends and myself chose Anmum Materna because we know it is the best. It is the No.1 pre-natal milk in Malaysia. If you ask me, I’ll take Anmum Materna again should we decide to expand our family.
It is time to expand your family, Merryn. Gambateh!
For me taking folic acid is rather important before get pregnant.
Okay, now I hear Ethan want a sister.. :D.. It’s time then Sis.. :p
You’re gonna have another baby? Yaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! LOL!!!
Kampateh, Merryn.
Merryn, is about time to get Ethan a mei mei or di di. Gambateh!
I used to drink Annum when I was pregnant but heard that it is fattening so I switched to another brand :P
Cook homemade chicken essence and drink at least once a week or more times….sure conceive and body become stronger also…..lol!
wooo. i din know before also have to drink. thanks for the info :)
I took anmum milk 3 mths before planning for my 1st boy too… :)
Hi im khaye and Im 26 years old married. I dont know what to do Im trying to conceive but I failed it.Were trying and trying to become pregnant but I cant. Now im drinking anmum materna even though im not pregnant. A friend of mine advice me to drink this kind of milk coz it will help me to conceive. I really need your help or some pieces of advice of what should i do coz me and my hubby love to have a baby of our own coz were getting older.thank you so much.