Pregnant again :D
Ethan had been pestering me for pets and I never agree as I dislike having those ‘things’ running around in the house. I hate cleaning up after them. I only agree to let him have fish or tortoise but he dislike tortoise. We tried taking care of tigerbarb but they died barely a week after :(
Two months ago, my neighbour gave me 8 guppies. Out of those eight, only ONE is an adult female guppy and she happens to be pregnant. I don’t know if we can call a fish pregnant, but what the heck… Two weeks after caring for those guppies, I was surprise to see baby guppies one fine morning. Some died as the bigger guppies bit them :( I quickly transferred those babies into a separate bowl. I managed to rescue 8 baby guppies. 8 + 8 and now I have 16 guppies altogether!
The cute little baby guppies :D
I am sure it was only barely a month ago she ‘gave birth’ as I posted the above pic in my FB on Nov 9 announcing that I’m now a proud Grandmother! :P
Now, three weeks after the adult female guppy became a mommy, she is heavily pregnant again!
I was looking at my guppies when I spotted her with her bulging abdomen again. I can even see eggs with fries in it! Three weeks only!! Fuiyo!!
This morning, as usual, the first thing I do when I get downstairs in the mornings is to look at my fish and feed them. I saw that the Momma Fish is no longer bloated! She has ‘given birth’ BUT so many fries have been eaten by the others :(
I rushed to take the little ones out and only managed to save 4 this time around. I counted and saw at least 6 dead baby guppies… sobs! :`(
I tot you will the be who pregnant! Mana tau is yours guppy.. Haha.. Ethan was excited on that?
Guppies are surely “subur” hor keke. Next time got to take note to transfer the guppies immediately to another jar when you notice it pregnant loh.
thought u r pregnant! misleading title *joking la haha*!!!
Me too, i thought u were the one who get pregnant.
Ya, Like wat Vicky said, next time transfer to another jar when u noticed it.
what about hamster?
Hamster very smelly…
wohooo… more baby guppies! :D
I thought you pulak yang pregnant again. Congrats to your little guppy! :)
Yeap, not easy to save those baby guppies. I used to rear them, but they tend to fight among themselves. So got to seperate them and in the end, all died.
cheh.. you pregnant la shiok… the fish preggy, aper you dapat? macam la you going to built a fish pond for sale.. isk isk isk..
Merryn’s pregnant? haha. Yuppies reproduce quite fast and they are easy to take care no need to use those water pump gadget. Poor babies eaten alive by their brothers and sisters.
for a moment there i thought u were pregnant! grrrr! tipah tertipuuuu!
I thought Merryn shared us good news of a dragon baby.
fuyoh, i thot submerryn is pregnant again!! wah, congratulations huh, you are becoming great great great grandmother soon already~~ :D
Haha, i was fooled!! Thought like the rest here, that it will be you. I was all prepared to go CONGRATULATIONS!!! :P
la merryn i thought u yang pregnant… ala tertipu I ok..
Ok, real pregancy or not.. congratulations to you first… in advance.. whatever guppies or puppies.. (i thought puppies) cos i was not wearing my specs when I read this just now..
I don’t like those “things” only =.=”
Aiya, I thought u pregnant…….lol!
no matter what, congrats :D
Ceh kena tipu haha. I really thought it was YOU! We reared some guppies not long ago too. However, I just kept them in a fish bowl without any oxygen supply so 1 by 1, they all died :(
Cheh..I tot got good news from you. When the Mummy fish is pregnant, you should separate her with the rest.
Haiyar…not you kah?
Hahaha…..your mommy guppy sure is one productive fish! ^_^
You managed to fool everyone with that title. ;) We all want to hear that you are pregnant actually..hehe.
hey, I was just wondering that day what happened to your fishes! XD
yes guppies got pregnant easily and gives birth easily too…hahaha…
I think the bigger male guppies has to be separated for some time or add more female guppies…hehehe
My daughter is interested to have guppies as her pets too…after seeing this…ayoyoooo :P