Sunway Surprise
If you know me well you’ll know that I rarely visit shopping malls other than my favourite TWO nearby but on Saturday, I was in Sunway Pyramid for the Magical Musicals event. We had prior appointment in TTDI in the morning and that bl****y appointment got delayed way too long. We rushed like mad to Sunway only to be caught in massive jam INSIDE the mall. Darling couldn’t find parking so Ethan and I went to makan first while Darling is still circling the carpark. Everywhere was packed. Since my event is at Sunway Lagoon, I chose to eat at Old Town as it is the nearest to the Lagoon. It was so packed in there but I was lucky to find an empty table.
I was feeding Ethan when a little boy abruptly sat in front of me followed by an adult. I so wanted to ‘scold’ dy to tell them that the seat is taken until I realised that they are… a fellow blogger I know – Christopher Au! >_<
I know he is in town and I agak-agak if we were to meet, it will be somewhere at my favourite TWO malls-lah! But we never did get to arrange for a meet-up and then there he was, standing so TALL in front of me! o.O I always thought he is short macam his cousin :P
Anyway, I was in a hurry. It was twenty minutes to three when I saw him and my event is at 3. We exchanged greetings and took a couple of pics while William still can’t find parking. In the end, we walked to Sunway Lagoon and Chris met Darling there. Darling also exclaimed that Chris is indeed very tall (and muscular!) Wooot! Hahaha.. =_=
So macam tu-lah Chris. Sorry for not being able to stay longer. It was nice ‘bumping’ into you…
One for keepsake. I shall always remember the first word he said to me, “You are fat” or something along that line! (+_+)
Ethan and HernHern.. apa lagi? Main iPhone lah! *shake head*
hahaha…luckily I was not scolded by you else I will get to see your 'dark' side and I can blog about it…hehehehe…too bad!
You are not fat la..I was refering to the girl in front of you :P
merryn..u look great in the pix.
hahah what la nih! :P later u oi me again if I komen the word start with "C" LOL
kids better jangan main iPhone too much ok? hahaha :P
Kian Fai! >_< I'll take mental note that IF i were to EVER meet you AGAIN, I shall wear something covered, totally covered that only my EARS are visible. OK? o.O
wear like those middle eastern ladys.. cover all, only can see eyes :P
Yeah, good idea! @_@
Hmmm…thought I commented on this somewhere and my comment disappeared. Said you two so clever, get the boys' attention distracted by letting them play with the iphone… @.@!!! Hehehehehe!!!!
Where DID you comment STP?
What else can I get them to do? Look at us? :P
claire n christopher real cousin ar?
oops…. shall we clarify that with claire? or chris? lol.. *showing muka bodoh here*
It's Christopher gor gor! hahaha! uiseh! playing iphone summore! :D
and Shemah said that YOU are suppose to be in Sunway too that day?
wow Merryn, what a sexy pic. nose bleed joh..heheheh.
=_= it's just a normal halter top… here.. i give u tissue :P
thx thx..but I want Kleenex one.
i suppose to be there too…only last minute i got the sms..
too bad, i need to work, huh :(
Why r u werking on a saturday evening?
you look great!
Wow, you look gorgeous…and ahem… very sexy!^^ LOL, I bet you all had wonderful time!