Rejection.. hurts
I grew up being the least popular kid in school. Oh ok, maybe the second least popular kid in school. I remembered there was this girl who suffered worse than me. We were almost ‘invisible’. Nobody would even notice if we were present or absent in class :(
Like any other girls, we had our very own crushes too. Needless to say, they all went unnoticed. Even if our crushes survived the daylight and managed to surface it will always bounce back to us dejected. So I know how it feels to be rejected, to feel unwanted.
Being rejected is one the worst feeling in the whole wide world. Like a bolt of lightning, it zaps and kills your self-esteem, your self-worthiness. I’m so used to getting doors slammed at my face, I vow never to cause another human being to feel rejection again, not from ME at least. That is why I always think twice before turning anyone or anything down…
I was in my second home today when I was approached by some credit card recruiter pestering me to sign-up for a card. I used to decline them politely but it doesn’t seem to be working anymore. These days, try telling them you are not interested and they’ll demand for an explanation. Tell them you already have such card, they’ll request you to show it to them just to prove your point! What is worse, when you are so fed up and ready to leave, they’ll start tugging at your arms refraining you from leaving!
What do you do when a particular someone just refused to take NO as an answer? No matter what your reason, it’ll just fall into deaf ears! Unfortunately, in moments like that when the gentle approach doesn’t work, I will have to resort to a harsher method. By harsh I mean just walk away and pretend that they are ‘invisible’. I know it’s bad as I was once THE invisible one and they are only humans trying to earn a living just like the rest of us, but sometimes, enough is enough and they’ve got to learn that when a girl says NO, she actually means it!
hmmmmmmmm…. u ok?
At least…William and Ethan is not rejecting you in any way. Haha :D
My advice…ignorance is bliss. :) Live your life the way you want. If people reject you…it means they are losing something…not you. :p
Credit card? Just tell them you don't earn enough. Hahaha :D
normally i would just walk away :)
Yeah, sometime it's good to say 'No'! I normally tell them I'm not working and have no income, they also malas to bother me liao…:)
Cheer up Merryn my dear :) Kak isah always was pestered by some promoters (not credit cards) trying to try their products when kak isah go out walking in the malls. Know what kak isah do? Stopped and looked at them in the eyes and say,' I said I am not interested. Ok?'Sometimes that works sometimes it didn't. If it didn't I just walked on without further looking at them.BTW, don't compare the past you and the now you.You're a great person!Take care my dear :)
Perhaps those credit card people thought you're like the typical woman – when they say no…no…no, they mean yes…yes…yes! Wink! Wink! LOL!!
sigh. sometimes we don't want to do that, but we are leave with no choice :(
Rejection really hurts, but rejection to credit card…well..thats one of the things that we have to do :)
Today is friday ma,,, don't worry anyone else can reject us,as long as our family is there for us,nothing else matters ya
hi submerrynfirstly, im very surprised on the fact that you say that you are like the 2nd least popular person in school. u must have changed so much or yr peers were such bullies last time. on yr question about how to turn down ppl, well, i always believe we can be tactful. a firm no, thank you. grin. and go. then at other times, (ie if tt dont work), ill be firm. still polite. but firm. hope that helps :)
least popular in school? sure or not? Still you have become someone who is popular today :))