Awesome stuffs
I have one heck of a nose. It gets blocked when I’m too cold and runny when I’m hot. It’s not helping that I’m currently in a darn cold place! I have so much of awesome stuffs in my nose right now I need to blow some out… Can you please pass me the tissue before (AH CHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I sneeze and make a mess out of the computer keyboard? *too late* @_@
Sniffles…. sniffles…
u ok boh?? get well soon ah
this morning i woke up feeling very cold too!! my son is also sniffling then i bombed him with a Sandoz type of sizzling pill.. now better liow! hope your nose is no more running!
oh my i hate running nose…. very irritating isn't….try to drink plenty of water… it is very helpfulget well soon with that runny nose huh….have a great day and happy blogging
I hate runny nose…faster pop in Vitamin C redoxon.Get well soon.
need to get that stuff out..then u will b better.