I am BACK! 4 days 3 nights WITHOUT going online and I survived! Hehe.. Surprisingly, I survived it without any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever! COOL! :D That is only because I had been extremely preoccupied that I did not even have time to even think of going online. Travelling with an active 3 year old is definitely tiring but FUN!
Well, it started on Friday morning when the sleepy head automatically woke up, got prepared and anxiously waited for the cab to pick us up to the airport :D He was THAT excited I tell you!
Starting to feel sleepy again :D
Boarded the plane and there we were and blah blah blah… and now, we are BACK! Just like that! 4 days 3 nights are over and here I am with a very bad SUNBURN!
My shoulders.. ouch!
You’d think that I went to the beach or something but NO~lah. It’s an island alright… but… for now I am extremely exhausted and need to get some shut eyes.
One thing I forgot to do during the 4 days 3 nights was to SLEEP! @_@
So I go ZZzzzzzzz first and when I wake up, I’ll sort the pics and share some with you guys :D
Now that I’m back, I realised that I so MISS you guys! Muaks! See ya!
I'm FIRST!!!
Welcome back!!! : D
Why got sunburn if didn't go swimming? What you did there? Didn't use sunblock ah?
I thought not allowed to take picture while going up the plane? Haha! Secret secret take is it? : D
Eh next time, go Singapore use Firefly lah, so much nearer to your house and less crowd too : D
Look forward to your posts on Singapore trip! Did u see panda at the zoo? Hehe
oh my gosh, that sunburn looks pretty bad. I bet it must be quite painful. But, I am glad you have a great time… with no internet :P
yay! welcome back! :D
heiyerr tipu me! say 4th then back! >:(
sunburn hurt! :(
As long as you guys as a family is all happy and gay, what sunburn can do is nothing lah,right?now go and get some sleep somemore,,ya
Waiting for your next post…Manage to go to Sentosa Universal Studio ???Cheers and take care :)
welcome back and looking forward of your photos.
went to Singapore island issit?
Foong, where got curi curi take? With Submerryn, EVERYTHING is possible :PDid I see panda? Stay tune to find out :D Haha..
Wow…so good. Go to Singapore by plane huh! :D
im glad your back lolyou did it congrats
Welcome back!Aiyo..why never use sun block. Few days later your skin will peel. Mine was so painful I tell you.
sunburn in SG? wahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhaha!
Thank you for visiting Singapore, Sis!But no fate to meet up with you.. hope the call i made to you, make up for it. =)Take care!