Ethan’s computer lesson @ 3Y 4M
I have always refrained Ethan from using the PC previously as I do not wish for him to disturb me when I’m working nor do I want him to turn out ‘geeky’ :P
But I can’t stop him no more as he sees me working on my PC more and more each day! Note to self: Must try to cut down computer hours!
So as the saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, join them… “ Instead of letting him mess around with my PC aimlessly, I now try to teach him the functions of the keyboard and all. But you know something? It’s like a crab teaching its young to walk straight as I am such an idiot when it comes to computer related stuffs myself!
Nevertheless, I can still manage with some beginners stuffs-lah! If he gets way too advance, it will be time to ask Kimmy for help! :P
Here is Ethan demonstrating how he uses the ‘enter’, ‘backspace’ and ‘spacebar’ key… :D
Remember my recent post on Ethan tweeting? He has improved so much now. He can navigate the mouse to control the arrow totally by himself onto the correct boxes and buttons.. :D I thought ‘Touch Screen’ generation kids won’t be able to do that! Hahaha… :P
Last but not least, thank you to my twitter gang for your patience in tolerating Ethan’s tweet. The tweets may be meaningless and full of typo but still, thank you for tolerating.. and replying! :P
wah…twit class for the youngs. ;)wonder he has his own account YET?
He needs his own personal computer, Mummy. :P Haha..Ethan is so cute.
ok he's a little too young to tweet. just post his blog here when he has one, deal?
Yup…that's good. Must limit the time. Some use it as a babysitter and let their kids play online games the whole day – every waking hour. In the old days, it was the tv…but now it's the computer/laptop/ipad…or PS. Times have changed.
Oh..then probably Ethan will have his personal PC soon…
Ha ha.. I think you'd know what's best for him :)
when start blogging? facebook? youtube? =P kids used to disturb too when they were young.
Oh yes, you gonna get him a laptop for Christmas!;DHave a nice weekend!
I don't think I would want my little Jordan to learn computer that young. :D
Becareful, later he get shortsighted.
haha i enjoy tweeting with Ethan! :D even just a simple hi from him!
Cool! At such a tender age already 'chirpy chirpy chirp chirp' with boy got mama's genes if bad boy got daddy's genes *sounds familiar* muaahhaaha..
wow..happy tweeting, Ethan! ;)
thumbs up for ethan geeeh so cute
its been a while since the last time i visited blogs its just that i've been sick this past few days happy to be back in action againhave a great day
hahaha that is so cute…he type really fast huh LOLi will not be surprise that someday i will see ethan blog hopping around hahaGood job… that was a nice start