What’s with the blood stain?
See that blood-stained handkerchief? Want to know what happened? Ethan – He fell during dinner today.
He was sleepy and we were on the way back from our third home when we stopped by somewhere for dinner. He was standing on the couch and wanted to lean on the table when he missed it and fell smack down on the floor.
I got him to bite the handkerchief to clean the blood away and later Darling took him to the nearest sink to gargle and wash.
I think he injured his gums…
There… so sleepy
Darling and I rushed through our dinner to get him home as he was extremely restless after the fall… :(
Oh dear! Poor thing. Hope he 's allright now. Got apply cream for his gum?
Oh, hope Ethan is ok now.
Oh poor boy!! Hope he is fine by now
OMG!! Did he break his teeth? Hope not!
Ya…hope it's ok now. Gum and injuries in the mouth heal very fast, not a problem…but falls can be bad, real bad. Do be careful…
gosh… looks like he is in pain.. so pitiful.. gosh!
gudness!! hope he is ok now! :( have a gud rest to ethan yea. :)
Oops…sorry to hear about the fall. Hope he's feeling better now.
ouch. injure at the gum. it must be hurt. be careful oh~
His teeth ok? Hope is gine now
Poor boy…is he Ok??He must be very tired as no nap everyday.
I am sure that Ethan is doing all right by now cos he is a tough boy,isn't he?by the way, how many homes do you have, i saw "third home"take care now
Oh dear, that must have been really painful! Next time don't stand on the couch ya… very dangerous.
Ouh….what happened? He hurt himself during a fall is it? Poor Ethan. But should be a good lesson for him. :)
Oh, poor Ethan! Wishing him speedy recovery of the wound. SOmething like that happened to my son too, but was not due to sleepiness, instead it was becos he was too excited when watching Toy Story 3 in the cinema. You can read it here :, yes, same thing here too. He also became fretful and restless after the injury.
oh dear….hope he is ok now and major boo boo :(
aiyooooooooooooooooooooooo! i got a shocked! why din tell me. today krys hit herself also, got blood also on her lips! uuuuwaaaaaaaa!
oh dear, poor Ethan. Next time put an ice cube on the mouth or get him to gaggle with some ice water, can stop the bleed.