If I am blind, why are YOU so visible?
I remembered clearly when I first showed the picture of my uncompleted Studio to my friends, their first reaction was the totally out of place and unsuitable blinds. I knew it too but because they are still in good condition, I thought that it would be a waste to dispose them. You see, I did not purchase those blinds but it was left there by the previous tenant and since they are still in good working condition, I’m not going to replace them.
But the more I look at them, the more they irritate me.
BUT, the children love it. They said the blinds add color to the otherwise all purple place! Hmm… let’s just cross my fingers and hope that the blinds will show me the way. Blinds, please self-destruct if you want me to replace you alright? :P
I think the children are right.. the green give some 'umph' to the purple.. keep it..
keep it la. :D It looks nice ah. :)
They look very nice. Perfectly ok, nothing wrong with them! Women – follow their hearts, not their minds…
hmmm since the blinds *green color* were left overs, then when you painted the wall should get colors that blended. but nevertheless, it looks ok to me
where is this place? for children place to play ?
Hey since you are having a craft class, why don't you think of something for you and the kids to decorate the blinds?? :) maybe paint on them? Put stickers on them? It'll be a fun project! :)
It brings up the 'happenings' to the studio..and can cheer up the atmosphere. Lovely..
Love purple color..if the kids like the blind so much keep it then..
actually it doesn't look too bad…if u paint part of the wall very light cyan then will blend well… XD
Haha :D They look terrible to me. :p But if they kids like them,…why not?
Very striking color. :P many students.
No need to replace lah, get the kids to stick lots of stickers on it…..nice leh! ha ha ha!
errr… i din find anytin weird wor. thot the studio looks great ^^