Am bored.. am bored.. you know me.. I’m bored!
Sobs! It’s a state holiday today but here I am stuck at home with Ethan. Darling’s out the whole day sending two cars for service and I’m at home because I don’t drive. Why did I not learn to drive? Wait a minute, I DID learn to drive. I even have a valid driver’s license. It’s just that I don’t drive. Period.
So I’ve been spending a whole lot of time tweeting to kill time as most of my friends are not online to chat today. But hey, if you are on Twitter, how come you guys are not in the chat room today? Hmm… never mind :P
I think I’ve browsed the whole cyber space and back today. I’m THAT bored you know! And then I went into Facebook and saw that I got tagged for many more pictures I’m not even in! :D
Do you get tagged for nothing on Facebook? Do you know why you got tagged? 90% of those tags are to promote some kind of trendy clothing online sale thingy. Some of them are irresistibly beautiful I must admit. I even saw some vintage inspired dresses and vintage jewelry .
Now if I’m not careful I’m going to chunk out a huge bill on the credit card browsing like this… I better stop :P
By the way, I saw a cute Tutu online. Suddenly I have the urge to learn making a tutu. Let me google for some ‘Tutu for Dummies‘…
I just know that today is PH in KL….go shopping tonite..then it will brighten up ur days.
wei me on msn!!! hahaha!!
U can always tweet me when u feel bored! Angeline here!Tulips45026@tweeter
BTW, Have nice weekend!
Poor girl, nothing to do and stuck at home during holiday. Dont worry, I think your hubby will bring you and Ethan somewhere tonight
Happy Holiday!! hahaha..dont feel so bored..
hahaha got 2 cars you should learn how to selangor, if you not drive, it is really bored. dont always ask ur hubby to drive. he will get tired too. facebook ar… lazy liao lo….but enjoy watch some sohai movie. I am going to stop baking life soon. so… haahaahaa
Why so many ppl are 'bored' +Ant+ got boredom and you bored bored???haha..Didnt know its State holiday today else would not have gone to KL no wonder the traffic so heavy *sigh*
I will go and block those people who tag my "friends"…and then I will not see all those anymore. I think 99% ladies clothes, undergarments, nighties etc…. Women are such easy targets… They do not seem to bother the men. Sure will not buy one! Only 1% – camera accessories! Tsk! Tsk!
hahaha paling benci those who tag pictures to do sales..LOL
Thank goodness I am not tagged for anything on clothings. Ha :D
Me too, I'll feel bored sometimes too. ^^ *Huggies*Btw, I don't drive too because I don't have a driving license~ Haha! xP
Thank goodness you didn't venture anywhere today.Traffic was madness in KL today!! What's going on in Jalan TAR? Afternoon and this evening all jammed up.
Haha! You really do sound bored! LOL!
I hate getting tagged for no reason in FB! I just totally ignore them! LOL!
Tutu For Dummies? Look where your boredness led you! : D
so good, holiday on a friday! Have a good weekend! Plan your weekend to curb your boredom.
haha, and some tag to show you their newest picture , or their picture with their boyfriend etc…. LOL, grab a book to read? then wont bored liao
ya, u should drive so u can go anywhere independently.
oh dear aren't you soooo bored?How I wish I can have some break like that too…I can barely fit my schedule to finish all that I have to.Enjoy your weekend!
You need to practise your driving. It's not that scary actually. I only tagged u once. :P
why do you need to make tutus ?? gosh.. so bored ka.btw.. why don't you drive ? care to tell us about it ?