So it keeps on spinning
I have a very weird habit when I’m in front of my PC. No matter how cold or hot or whatever the weather is like, I need the fan to be switched ON. I am not talking about a stand fan or the ceiling fan but my USB fan. I need to listen to the sound of the fan more than needing to feel the breeze. I’d get pretty restless if the fan is switched off and being surrounded by total silence!
I have since witnessed the death of 4 USB fans. OK, in case you are wondering, I did not fail math. The picture above shows only 3 fans as ONE has gone missing. Must be Ethan’s work!
Darling got me a brand new USB fan not too long ago. My first paid for USB fan. Noticed that my previous fans are all complimentary from somewhere? :D
I can now blog happily again :)
from HP lor!!
cool gift!
Eh, you use HP computer? Good ah? My HP laptop always let me down! Plan to kumpul money to get a Mac! Hey those USB fans are cute! Why all koyak oredy? Must be you – switch them on 24/7! No rest that's why! Haha!!You are a weirdo – why u need to switch on the USB fan while in front of your PC? LOL!!
I guess the fan motor sounds like…*scraps off dirty thoughts* HEY I like the green ones!! XDtsk tsk typical of parents…always blaming the kids…my mom even blame me for not being able to find her specs…she dunno where she place them and expect me to know where she last place them..=________=
tak pernah pulak tengok kipas dari HP tuhttp://touyakaruma.com/blog
It's like how some people need to switch on the tv..even though they don't really want to watch it. Just that the tv adds background nice to an otherwise silent room or house. Haha….strange.
Foong – I'm using Dell PC. Me no laptop. HP printers. HP baju (Hush Puppy) :P
Quick quick, you must go and consult a Fan-nistic specialist already. otherwise mmmmmmmmmm.hey you have a great weekend, say hi to Will and ethan for me.ok?
Cool fan……
Aiya, so small….nowadays very hot, need bigger fan
Same here, i need sounds around me all day beside sleeping~
hahahahha…last two weeks i also bought one and put in my office table. Sometime weather too hot till the office air cond also cannot feel the cold. Me so lulu…only now i know got USB fans!!!!
With the big logo on it surely is HP kakaka.
The sound of the fan not irritating meh? I hate it when the laptop overheat and the internal fan turn on..haha.
精彩的部落格 要繼續加油 ..................................................................