RM50 worth of Popular Gift Vouchers
I first read about it in Voon Di-Di’s blog and decided that I should join in the fun. I submitted my entry on the eleventh hour but still… I won!
RM50 worth of Popular Gift Vouchers.
So apa lagi? To Popular we headed and Kak Isah, I got these two little books for Ethan.
Priced at RM9.90 each. Got discount since I am a Popular member. So I added an UHU Glue in my purchase and used up RM20 already. RM30 more to go :D
Kak Isah, Ethan is very happy with his new books. Here he is, reading them independently :)
Thank you Kak Isah. Ethan’s birthday is on the 21 July and the gift vouchers are just on time :D Since I still have RM30 worth of vouchers left, I shall ask Darling if he needs anything from Popular since his birthday was last Wednesday :P
wah..so lucky..CONGRATULATIONS.And happy shopping.
Congrats!!! This is your lucky month! Ethan is very clever. So malu lah, teacher commented Gwen doesn't know her numbers well..haih.
congrats Merryn.. very generous of Puan Isah..
Ethan can read so well ! Gosh, he's not even 3 !!! I'm super impressed :)
CONGRATULATION!! eh nice! my lil sis haylie turn 1 yr old on 26th July! LOL!
Pandainya Ethan! It always impresses me to see him read. I think the books are a bit too simple for him lah :pMe oso malu to admit that C can't read yet. She reads based on memorization. Give her a new book, she can't read at all :(
Congrats on the winning :)
Well Done, smart Ethan!!!
Congrats…..enough to get another cooking book?
Wow! So lucky! Summitted last minute too!
Clever clever Ethan!hey kak isah so pleased you bought books for him, he reminds me of little Alif my 2 yr old grandson who loves to read too :)Glad you're happy for your loved ones my dear :)Thanks for doing this entry!
Hey next time got this kind of Kan Tao, please recommend to me ok,, RM 50 gift voucher, i sure go and join one,,,,,
lol.. Ethan clevery boy.. **clap clap**
Wah! Congrats! Ethan is lucky!! : )
Congrats! And Ethan is really advanced for his age.
"ngam ngam" read this post today.Happy Birthday Ethan!!
Ethan's so so so smart!