3053 – 4d Magnum – 3+1d – Sports Toto
Finally it’s done :P Only silly people like me will do such a thing in that order. You know what?
Well, it went like this:
1) Scout for a place to set up my studio
2) Found it and started planning on what to do since the place is simply horribly messy!
3) Did nothing for the next two months due to lack of ideas, lack of motivation and lack of time…
4) Finally got the motivation to get started and pushed Darling to monitor all the work ie cleaning, painting, lighting, piping, flooring and more Thank you Darling.. muaks :*
And when EVERYTHING is almost done… today… I slowly got up from bed and pestered Darling to bring me to go get the Studio registered! *Yeah, I know.. THIS was suppose to be on #1 in my list but….. * Went to the Companies Commission of Malaysia today and within an hour I got my cert! Yippie :D
The Studio is officially registered as Crafty Crafted Studio and here I am giving you guys 4D number to go buy :P
Quick! Quick! 3053… if strike 1st prize, you know what to do~lah right? Don’t forget me over here :P
Congrats on your new studio :)
Hehehe.. You are funny.. :P
congratulations! when opening ceremony?
Oops now you shall be a boss of your own, happy for you my dear,,,,and the number thingy,, i dont wager one lah,,,,anyone kena from merryn's tips, please dont tell, othewise the whole bloggershpere wil be abuzz with Merryn's wonder,hahahaha
good to hear this! congrats!lazy to buy leh….
Congrats my dear. So happy for you!Do invite us – bloggers for the auspiciuos day :)
Congrats my dear. So happy for you!Do invite us – bloggers for the auspiciuos day :)
Aiyo! Too late already. Now what time huh? :D
Congrats Merryn! :)
Grats submerryn.. =Dbtw, where is ur studio? Sorry me im outdated a bit.. mind to share? thanks =D
Grats submerryn.. =Dbtw, where is ur studio? Sorry me im outdated a bit.. mind to share? thanks =D
Congrats on your new craft studio…show us more pics on the newstudio..4D number…….you got buy or not???whose know really come out this number…
Congrats! When's the official opening?
Hahhaha! Sayang I dont buy 4D lah, so sure dont kena one….Congrats on your new studio. All the best.