Fever.. please go away..
If you noticed, I’ve been away for sometime and that is because Ethan is down with high fever. Very high fever – 39.7! It scares the heck out of me. He is unable to sleep, cough like mad, flu some more. Now, he speaks like Doraemon! This is the very first time he actually lost his voice!
That poor boy has been down since Saturday.. he even knows how to check his own temperature these days… Hope he’ll be good as new tomorrow…
Sorry if I have not been visiting your blogs lately, will catch up once Ethan is up and running again :)
Ethan @ 2 years 9 months
poor ethan..
wish him get well soon! pray for ethan's health. :)
That's very high dear, give him a lot of fluid and get him to wear loose, dont force him to eat and get him to rest well,,,,dont take him out already yatake care and do let us know his updates,ok?
Ethan get well soon!!!
Get well soon Ethan! :)
oh my.. hope ethan will get well very soon..
Monitor his fever, M.. one chinese saying though, grandma said, after fever, sure grow taller one..
He'll be fine soon.
Hope Ethan gets well soon. Take care!I am using the same model of thermometer too!
Really very high fever leh… hope he gets well soon!
Get well soon, Ethan dearie!
Wah, Ethan can be actor.. he looks good on the camera… he not shy either **thumbs up*** clap clapMerryn , use wet nap on Ethan's fore head, very familiar that brand.. cannot remember what the name.. Hope Ethan get well.. Pray for him ^^
Oh ya, Merryn u buy the Omron termometer how much ar?Where u get this? in pharmacy?
June – I redeemed that thermometer from credit card points.. sorry.. dunno how much :(
Thank you all for your wishes…Claire – He has had fever so many times, tak tinggi tinggi pun.. lol.. :P
take care Ethan and for you too Merryn!! hope Ethan get well soon..
Get well soon Ethan.
better take care ok… has ethan seen the doc yet?He's so clever, can take his own temp and tell the temp too!
Get well soon, Ethan. Merryn, you take care too. Take lots of Vit C.
Get well soon poor Ethan. :D
Hope he is fully recover by now!
hope the fever goes away SOOOOOOON! sigh…