Can you online now? I think I almost die now
It was Thursday morning. I knew a friend just had a heart operation the night before. I did not know if she was awake so I sms-ed her to ask how she was doing. She replied with, “Can you online now? I think I almost die now”.
Panic stricken, I replied her saying I could not as I was on the way to the clinic with Ethan and Darling. Thinking back, see how stupid I was? People there telling me she was dying and all I did was to sms her back! Couldn’t I just called??!!
Cut long story short, she told me about some ‘not so beautiful’ incidents happening to her blog and then there I was, right in front of the clinic. I kept my phone and went inside.
Once out of the clinic, I sms-ed her back only to be told by her sister that she was rushed into the ER due to breathing difficulty. I checked my phone and saw that she actually sms-ed me; informing me that she had difficulty breathing. I felt like an ass!
Though I don’t know how to pray, I kept on praying that she will regain consciousness. Her sister and I exchanged uncountable sms-es keeping me updated; yet she was still unconscious. In the evening, she opened her eyes but was in such pain that the Doctor gave her a jab and she went back to slumber land. Later around 7pm, she finally regained consciousness and I actually cried; tears of joy and relieve.
Caroline, don’t you ever scare us again like that!
Blogging should be fun and never life-threatening. People out there has got to learn that nobody’s perfect and if you don’t like it, don’t read that blog. Just don’t go around hiding under some anonymity giving out nasty comments for you never know, your actions could actually cost somebody’s life out there.
Peace to all and since we are at this topic, if I have ever offended any of my readers, sincerely “I’m sorry”. Let’s make love, not war. -Hugs-
aiyo. then cannot chat with u liao lo.
Hope she can get well soon.
Hope your friend get well soon. Agree, blogging should be fun…..
How's Ethan fever? Getting better? Take care.
oh gosh…that serious!!! how come.. what happened? hope she is much better now.. if this is the case, better stop blogging temporarily.. not good for health if it affects her so harshly..
oh my, i actually almost cried out reading your post, im glad she's alright! thank god ;)
oh dear.. it seems blogging is much more stressful and can be dangerous than office politics… hope both you and your friend will recover from this.
where ur cbox?
Hope ur friend will be fine……..Pray hard !!How is Ethan today? Let him rest well @ home..U tkcare too,merryn!!!
oh gosh, some ppl should just shut their $%$## mouth…hope ur friend is ok now.Ethan ok????
Hi Merryn, just posted an easy way to cook eggplants. Hope Ethan like it.
Hope Caroline and Ethan are getting better. Yes, blogging should be fun, not something to be stressed over. And I agree if you don't like someone's blog, just stop visiting that blog instead of hiding under an anonymous name and hurling insults!
Gosh, was it the Caroline that always had fun 'chop' on your comment box?!! I'm sorry to hear about she is unwell, hoping she gets well soon!! Oh dear… life is just full of turmoils!How's Ethan doing any way? All the best to you and Caroline!A pleasant weekend to you!
What? Heart operation? Oh dear…the poor girl. She did hint that she has some health problems…but I never expected it to be so serious. Aiyor…it must be all because of that silly contest she joined – shouldn't have taken it so seriously. Hope she's getting better – do send her my get-well wishes, may God be with her through these troubled times.
Flo here. Thanks Merryn for this post. My sister getting better but need to take care of her wound. I have already know who's that "attacker" and seems like you all also know who is him. For the silly contest, say hell to it.
Dont worry too much.. Hope your fren will be ok by now…
hope she is better now, healing well. hmmmm…. u take care too ok fren. *hugs*
Totally agree with you!! Get a life you stupid as*hoL*s!!!! Hope Caroline is alright by now.And not to forget about Ethan. Get well soon, handsome!!
really hope your friend is getting better & get well soon, dear!
This is so serius! Hope Caroline will be well soon. How's ethan doing? Hope he is getting better now.
Hope your friend get well soon. Don't bother about those ppl.
Wow….that's serious. :/