We slept separately for over 2 weeks dy…
YES, you read me right. Darling and I have been sleeping separately for over two weeks now. This is our story…
The first week, Darling was down with very bad cough that he was afraid it might disturb Ethan and I so he slept in the guest room. Just when he got better and wanted to ‘shift’ back into the Master Bedroom, Ethan was diagnosed as having Hand, foot and mouth Disease (HFMD). Since Darling has not yet completely recovered, I suggested for him to continue sleeping in the guest room.
My poor boy. Look at his eyes, the tears there just broke my heart. The first night, Ethan and I did not manage to get a single wink of shut eye. The ulcers in his throat were just too painful for him and he was like so lost, could not understand why he was suffering that way. He kept on wailing and crying and there was nothing I could do to pacify him. I even resorted to giving him an extra dose of the Cataflam (pain killer) just to soothe him. He cried his way until morning.
The mouth area
Blisters all over his palms
Though it is called Hand, foot and mouth disease, the blisters don’t just stop there. His elbows were filled with blisters too.
His ears too
Feet. This feet pic was taken a few days after so he was much better and cheerful then.
Each day after bath, I put Calamine lotion on him until he was all white
Now here comes the part why Darling and I slept separately for over two weeks. A few days after Ethan got the HFMD, I da submerryn, da OLD submerryn, stupidly GOT it too! Bummer I tell you! Though adults do get it, the chances are low. BUT somehow I GOT it! By then Ethan and Darling were getting much better.
I felt pain walking due to the blisters on my feet. I was not able to do much house chores as the blisters on my palm were quite irritating and painful. My throat hurt as well. I was getting weaker by day…
Darling then suggested for ME to sleep in the guest room so that I can have a good night rest and he took over the job of looking after Ethan at night. That arrangement continued until I am good again. YEAH, by the time you read this post, I am ALL good, baby! I’m no longer having spots on my palms and feet and Ethan and Darling are doing just fine too :D
The blister on my thumb
My pointer. I did not get it as bad as Ethan though..
If you must know, it starts with fever. Both Ethan and I suffered high fever before we noticed spots on ourselves. Then the throat became rather painful and red. Look closely and you’ll notice ulcers there. Blisters usually occur on kids. Adults might not get blisters if they are lucky. I’m NOT that lucky…
When kids get HFMD, the only concern is for them to be able to keep on feeding and drinking. I am thankful that Ethan though he had difficulty feeding the first few days, we managed to get him take sips of water. In the event that he gets dehydrated, he’ll need to be admitted for drips. Thank God THAT did not happen.
We are all OK now and shall be ‘reunited’ in the Master Bedroom again :)
ohmy….. yerrr sure painful one. sobs… poor ethan… huhuh
adult kena more painful one lor.. believe me or not, i kena 3 times dy, baby, when im primary 6 n in form 4. sucks man!
@Caroline – Why you kena so MANY times one?????
where did Ethan kena this? school or too much outing to 1U??? Sigh..hope everyone is well now.
Glad that everyone is ok d… Poor Ethan…It must have been really uncomfortable for him…just reading the 1st part made me sad :(
This is really a torture! When YX had his, I felt so heartache. He had 3 mouth ulcers but not much of blister on his fingers and legs. Hope these virus will not come again. Arrrgghhhh….he suffer, I also suffer. Glad that all of you are recovering now.
Thank God everyone is back to normal!!! It is sad when u can't do much to help ur kid in pain, good that he's smiling and cheery again :)
oh no…poor ethan. glad everyone is well now.
Oh poor thing!!!!!!! looks TERRIBLE!!! glad to hear everyone is a happy camper once again.
aaaawww. must be painful. hopefully u guys will get well soon
eeeww.. where did Ethan caught that bug? glad that all are well and you and your Darling can 'sleep' together already..
may ethan get well very soon..pity looking at his pics..hugs to u too, Merryn..
Aiyoooo that pitiful face of Ethan's… broke my heart too. Glad everyone's getting better now.
Aiyoo…. poor you-all. Hoping for quick recovery. The last time I was all blistered up was chicken pox almost 20 yrs ago…. can't stand (cos feet soles also got), sit (bum also got), lie down (whole body got), or even close mouth (lips also got) without being painful all over…
well, it usually happens this way. one after another. anyway, glad that all of u r fine already.
Aiyor…my daughter got it also when she was a baby – so painful, cried non-stop…could not eat and had to feed using a tube. I also got a bit – couldn't bend my fingers – so stiff and it hurt very much!So glad to hear that you're all better now. Can be dangerous for children. At least, that means he has the immunity now…
oh dear… poor ethan then.. thank God he is ok now.. adults get never mind, not kids.. each time my kids get sick, this thought will be on my mind.. i rather have it than them suffering.. merryn, speedy recovery to u too! :) take care!!
Get well soon! :)
Oh dear, hope everyone recover soon! Take care!
ohhh.. kesian ethan. memang sakit penyakit tu. kedua2 anak saya pernah mengalaminya tapi tak seteruk ethan. puncanya mungkin di taska mereka kerana penyakit ini berjangkit. dengar kata takde ubat khas untuknya. orang2 yang berhampiran pun memang di pantau ketat. saya turut dapat MC bila anak-anak mendapat penyakit ini kerana dikhuatiri mereka pada murid2 sekolah pula. Lamanya ethan sakit. semoga ethan cepat sembuh…
Oh my! Poor thing you and Ethan!! It breaks my heart to see him getting all the red spots too! :( Thank goodness you all are ok now! What is the cause for this disease by the way?
chicken pox fever..pity of ethan.get well soon k..=)
Kesian Ethan. Hope he is much better now.
Aiyoh…. that blister on Ethan is really a lot!!! Luckily both of you are fine now. I can understand how painful the blister is, Xixi and hubby also just recovered from HFMD 2weeks ago, but not as serious as Ethan one… Yes, adult also can kena, though the chances are slim. Take good care ya!! hugs to Ethan… kesian dia.
wow, that must be a tiring week, everyone just taking turn to get ill. Same thing always happen here, my boy is like a bug vacuum cleaner, he get all the bugs from nursery and school.
So charm…….Get well soon…..
@Lil Lamb – I think skul… Definitely not 1U :D@Agnes – It was horrible when he was unable to eat.. but now ok dy :)@mnhl – Sucks rite? I just felt so helpless there…@Kristie – Yeah.. I just wish I cud take away his pain.. and then.. I GOT it! lol.. @MommyChums – Thank you..
@Bryan n Brandon – Yeah.. we are all better now :)@ddy – We are better now thank you :)@Cynthia – beats me.. i think from skul?@Hanz – Thankx Hanz.. u r so sweet :)@ChloeRuoyi – We are ok now :)@Monkey Botak – Oh yes.. I remembered MY chicken pox days too. CNY lagi that time and I was left stranded ALONE!
@wenn – Yeah.. we are all better now :)@STP – Oh dear! She had to be fed by tube? Goodness, THAT serious eh? My fingers were stiff too.. but I still persevered and blog everyday! lol.. :P@reanaclaire – It's like that right? We always wish we can take the pain away from them.. :D *hugs* u too.. @Mei Teng – Thank you@Pete – Better now :)@Cikgu Isza – Same here. I'm on MC when Ethan first got it and now still on MC until betul betul free of it baru can get back to skul..
@iamthewitch – Some virus.. dunno where he got it from.. :(@noor afzan – HFM, not chicken pox :D@smallkucing – Yep, all better now :D@Serene – Oh yeah.. Xixi n ur hubs oso got it… Poor us all :D@JH – That's the ONLY thing I dislike about sending them to skul…@Prince n Princess – We are better now thank you :D
oh…dear. THat's real tough on Ethan and you guys. My kid also kena something like that but only the throat last week. His fever rose up to almost 39C!
Oh dear very painful and irritating to Ethan. Is it like chicken pox? Drink more cooling drinks to bring down the heat though. take care. God bless.
@ChrisAu – Sigh.. That is very high! Mine and ethan's were around 38.4 and I got chill lagi.. fever n chill!@Banannaz – This is not chicken pox but it looks kinda same as the blisters all watery and itchy oso.. We are better now. Thank you :D
oh my, poor ethan,, hope he'll get well very soon…
how is he now? and you too? hope you're both doing fine now
Oh dear…that was bad..poor Ethan and MUmmy. Glad to know everyone has recovered already. Take care ya.
Poor Ethan! It must be really suffering! Glad he's OK now!
Eh, this HMFD is not that serious variety called caxsackie that killed quite a number of people some years back in Sarawak? Scary!!
Adults also can get infected especially if you are always near the infected person and your immune system is weak. Lucky you recovered quite fast. So all's good now, thank goodness! : )
Goodness…I hope Ethan is recovering right now. I am sure he will. Poor little boy. :(
Glad to know that all of you are fine now. Oh, I can imagine the suffering and inconvenience too if my boy kena the same thing.
Hi Merryn, How's Ethan doing today?PS: For Brinjal recipe you can check out my post. <a href="http://peteformation.blogspot.com/2009/06/stir-fried-aubergine-with-dried-prawns.htmlhttp://peteformation.blogspot.com/2009/06/stir-fr… />Can use minced meat with a little fat instead of dried prawns or use both of them together. Cheers!
Oh dear, poor Ethan, it sure look painful!My boys got it about 2 years back, lucky just a mild one, not as serious as Ethan.Glad to hear that all of you are feeling better now. Take care.
Oh, that is so suffer for the little kiddo. Glad he is getting better now.
Oh my~!! Poor you and Ethan, must be unbearable itch for little boy like Ethan… thank God you are getting better, all the best to you both!
Aww…heartache..it is real painful with those ulcer. Once Ethel got it too.Glad to hear u all are well now.tk care
Glad that 3 of yours are recovering now…
Hope all are well and both have a speedy recovery yeah.
Glad to hear u guys r alright now. It's really torturing for the kiddo (and adults, I'm sure). Like u said, luckily Ethan can still drink n eat. So he didn't get dehydrated.
Glad to know you are ok now. That was so bad all of you had to suffer in different ways most esp your dear ethan.take more rest mummy.
I feeling heart sick too seeing the first two pics of Ethan. Anyway, luckily you and Ethan are fine now. Take good care ok!
I am so glad to hear that you all are ok now.. Must have been tough for all of you. Take care Merryn!HNhttp://lybil1.free.fr
It is good to know that you all are well now and reunited…Have a good weekend and take care :)
It is good to know that you all are well now and reunited…Have a good weekend and take care :)
glad n happy everyone is OK now :)
Good that you can now all sleep together… :)It must be a tough time for Ethan, because even adult also couldn't stand the pain.
Poor boy. Already feel painful but still need to pose for mommy blog, haha. Has he feeling any better now?
glad to hear everyone back to normal!! My hubby did kena once and he couldnt believed it when he got it!! :-D
oh no!! i just read abt this. i hope ethan has fully recovered!
Sorry to hear this news.It is 6 days from now. I guess Ethan is recover oledi.Wish everything well. Ok.