That buzzing BEE!
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ll know that there was this BEE that has been bothering me and Ethan the whole evening. We were SO afraid that I almost cry! No matter what we did the bee just refused to fly away.
And then miracle happened. The bee stood still on the mirror admiring itself. I quickly took a plastic container and caught it! Yippie! The Incredible ME :D
View this video to listen to what he said to the bee :D
Ethan @ 2 years 8 months
omg! beee?!
n ethan look so happy?? gosh!
cheh ask help from foong and saucer pula! dint ask me one. :p haha but if u ask me, i'll be d 1st one to run away! :p
Was Ethan saying, "Bee come here, what you doing?"???It looks like a wasp, you are so brave!! Bravo! Have a nice day!
Glad it's caught
You released it thereafter?I stay far, far way from those buzzing insects.
that's the BEE! omg, u were so scared and yet u could capture it? i wouldn't dare go near it heheh….
wah..make sure the cover doesnt accidentally fall off.. so dangerous.. so near to the giant bee!
haha, he's so cute! how did u get rid of the bee?
dats a wasp and dangerous leh!
@ChrisAu – Wasp ah? I tot so too but wasp are normally thinner and bees are normally fatter.. this is in between! lol.. I know it's dangerous! That's why we were scared!@wenn – I don't know how to get rid of it. Still in that container.. any idea?@reanaclaire – Sealed nicely dy. Now.. how to get rid of it?@Kristie – Mother's instinct. I'm so terrified it will harm ethan!@Mei Teng – Still here leh.. how ah?
That is a very BIG bee! You dare to catch it and capture, geng!
that bee better not terkeluar, if not cialat lah you! hahahaha!
If I were you, I will use Ridsect and spray the bugger..hehe..I did that before.
Poor Bee, sudah kena tangkap! Asian hornets (mandarina) are dangerous but one only ok lah, just wack that fellow with a newspaper. Good to have some antihistamines at home, just in case anyone allergic to insect bites!
@Caroline – I know you will scream louder than me and run faster than me.. so I did not even bother to ask ur help! :P hahahhaa..@Alice Law – Yep, that's what he said! hehehehe..@smallkucing – Or else I'll ring u for help! :D@MummyMoon – Knees shake like hell u dun know.. hahahhaha.. Mothers got super powers one.. :D@Irene – I super glue-ed dy :D
That's a bee? Looks more like a wasp to me. :p Thank goodness you managed to capture it.
Ooo…that type is very dangerous! Killed it already or not? Just use Ridsect…make it pening…and when drop to the floor, squash it!!!
lucky the bee was caught…:)
CUTE Ethan admiring the bee!! Bee is dangerous! Evil bee! What did you do to do the bee at the end? :P
OMG!! that's BIG!! and SMART you to 'nab' it with a container! how did it end up ah?
What?? You mean it is still in the container now?? You wanna keep as pet is it?
haha i never had a chance to catch any insect in my entire life … poor me
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SO you caught it? Good! So have you killed it? Either they die or you die! LOL! Juz kidding
"Bee, come here…Bee, what you are doing?" Ethan said? Ai yo, talking about bee…I really scared of it. Normally I just dare not to do anything with it and tried my best to hide from it, hehe.