Thank you Caroline :D
Honk! Honk! That’s the trade mark of Pos Laju. They don’t ring the bell. They just honk and if you are unaware that they are honking in front of your house, they’ll leave a “Miss U” card and you’ll need to go to the post office to retrieve the goods.
Thank goodness this time, Darling was around and he heard them. I got something from Baby Borneo.
* See that blond thingy? It’s Baby Borneo herself! Caroline, tak sangka you send me a mini YOU! Cool! *Check out her blog, she’s really BLOND! :P*
* The Mickey glass is Ethan’s favourite :)
* According to her, the 3 orang utans are Darling, Ethan and ME :D
* The turtle.. I wonder WHO that is? lol..
Thank you babe.. You are so sweet :)
OMG! u really blog about it! gosh. lol dats not me la aiyo! haha! btw, next gift will be cool for Ethan *hinting* haha
hahaha! ngam not 3 of them ma. :p
@Caroline – Ethan loves the orang utan.. he kept on saying oong utan! lol.. :P ok ok.. will keep on commenting to get that gift for ethan.. hehehhehe :D
I have received mine too…but I am not going to blog about it that soon….muahaha :D
aiyo! sure u teach him OONG UTAN! hahahahaha!
How thoughtful of your pretty blogger friend.
wah.. cute cute.. like the sender and the recipient..
Nice leh….so good!
what a nice gift!
Wauhuhuhuhuhu!!! *crying hysterically, pulling all my hair out!!!* Why? Why? I'm also so nice to Caroline but she never sent me anything? I go and sulk in the corner now….*Sulk! Sulk!!!*
@suituapui: lol! still got time to be one of the top three commenter ba. leave ur comments, just look at the points at my blog sidebar thr, if u managed to be the top 3 then will rcv next gift dy. :)
So sweet of Caroline! Nice and thoughtful gifts.. OK I better go and comment :P
LOL u're submerryn ma. sure travel underwater world with turtle lor. :p
Nice leh….so good!
@STP – cool.. cool… We'll sayang you more.. *hugs* .. lol… :P
So nice!~
nice gesture! ^.^ and the 'oonng utan's really cute! haha
Is true Merryn, the post laju just do not like the ring the bell! Is quite annoying sometimes. Anyway, the gifts are nice.