Ethan’s first bicycle :D
We bought Ethan his first bicycle last week. He has never been on a tricycle yet was eager to get a bicycle!

First thing he did the very next morning was ran down to greet the bicycle “Good Morning” :) He loves it THAT much! Watch the video :P
This was unexpected. I was ready to capture him cycling when he told me this.. “Ethan sit then my kukubird tired.. “ That poor boy! What he meant was he stretched his legs until it hurt his ‘u know where’ … @_@
Ethan @ 2 years 9 months
omg! thats so cute! remind me of my 1st bicycle too!! oh no, tricycle. :) hee
d bee honk so darn cute kay, and so geng ah can get FOC summore. :) Ethan look so happy with his very first new bicycle! mannnn.. i asked my sis wats "kukubird" and i just learn new word at here. =.= wth!
so nice… hey guess what… i don't know how to bike LOL…i got a phobia with my very first bike because of an accident… so after that i never tried riding on a bike again
the next time u will need to get a bigger one.:)
in another few months, maybe he will ask u to take away the 2 small wheels.. :) wei, who taught him to say kukubird?
Happy cycling! :) I learned to cycle at a much older age and earned my way through lots of scratches and falls.
hahha…he's so cute!
hahahah…. ethan if ur little friend tired then cannot ride for too long ok? :)
The bicycle is very nice. Ethan never had a bicycle before and he knows how to pedal already? Gwen doesn't know how to pedal lah.Kukubird tired..hahaha..Mummy also shocked to hear this. :P
ethan really veli cute. shiok la he got new bike :)
Nice one. Looks very solid. Trouble these days…not so safe in the road and if driveway not big and long enough…have to drive to a park or somewhere to let him cycle. Used to do that – so troublesome. Not like my time, cycled everywhere…very safe, not many cars!
lolz.. ethan so cute.. omg.. so small know how to say vulgar word already… he learn from where? @@How much for the bike??1st time ever I saw kiddy bike need to pump air into the Tyre.21st century already? lolz.. GRATS ETHAN… ^^
so cute boy! oh ya, the horn and the bell are both cute!! :D
Nice bike :-) The squeaky bee honk is so cute! Next, get him a helmet and some knee and elbow guards. Sure cute habis!
Nice bike. and good to learn early.
cool and cute bicycle!! I love the bee horn, so so cute!LOL! My kukubird tired. HAHAHAHHA
bluedreamer, gimme 5!! I dun know how to cycle too!!! LOL!!merryn, must ask Ethan to teach me how to cycle! Haha!!
Haha! Ethan is so cute when he squeeze the cute bee honk! So damn cute!!! : )
LOL to caroline – dun know wat is KKB! Haha! Ethan so cute say his KKB tired – how to get tired sitting on the bike? Hahaha!!!
@foongpc & bluedreamer – Alamax! How can u guys dunno how to cycle? What did u guys do during childhood lah? Climb trees? lol…
Everything EXCEPT cycling!! : )
Like Blue and Foong, I also do not know how to bike.Too bad for me eh?Oh, btw, the bike and the biker is so cute. It is good that you are letting your child learn how to bike.
Ethan can cycle d hor! Bravo! Everytime I ask my son to cycle, he sit and put his feet on the floor to make the bicycle moving… sigh! ha!
haha!so cute!Guess he'll be a great biker in the days to come!:)
SO CUTE!! Ethan!! Especially how he said KKB.. haha… :P
sure good. Ethan look very happy to have one.so, he know to cycle oledi?
Oh boy!! The bicycle is super nice!! :-)Merryn, can try to get some cusion or thick form and cover the seat so that the K*k*B*r* will not 'feel' tired then!! :-)
Awww….so cute. I thing my first one is red. LOL :D
Nice bicycle…
The lil cheerful bee is so cute to go with the bike.
I heard Ethan said,"Can't sit later my kukubird tired!" Wow~!! That's a pretty nicely contruct sentence, bright kid!