Playhouse Disney Parent Blogger Dinner Party – The Dinner

Communications Specialist & Advocate
IN.Deed Communications

Bottom pic : submerryn and the famous Zaid Mohamad (Author & Parental Coach) Check out his works here. By the way, he’ll be in 1U on the 20/3/2010 at 3pm to give a talk and signing session for his book.

Bottom pic : (Left) Ng Chin Pei – Media Specialist & Advocate, IN.Deed Communications
(Middle) Adline of http://adlinewrites.blogspot.com,
(Right) Molly of http://secondtimeparenthood.blogspot.com

Lovable Characters: characters kids connect with and get excited about.
Great Storytelling: reflecting Disney quality
Engaging Music: using music to inspire kids to sing, dance and move.
Playful Learning: engaging kids through creative, energetic, interactive play and movement.
Empowering Messages: giving kids the tools to learn life lessons and celebrate their accomplishments
Deliver Disney Difference: connecting to Disney, past, present and future.
Playhouse Disney is a playful friend, like an older sibling or babysitter. It is also a friend who
communicates in a non-condescending manner.
Kids 2-5 years old, their parents & caregivers
Based on the ‘Whole Child Curriculum’
– A holistic view towards childhood learning
*Thinking Skills
*Motor Skills
*Early Academic Learning
*Moral & Ethical Development
*Social Skills
*Imagination & Self-expression
*Daily living Skills
Overall, it was a nice outing. We had a nice and cosy ambiance with delicious meal, good company and most of all we had FUN :) It was nicely organised and I can see that they really put in a lot of effort on the setting up of the party as everything was very personalised right from our arrival to the end of our dinner.
Kudos to Playhouse Disney gang for successfully pulling off this great get together. Hop over to their website here.
Thank you :)
1st of all…very nice baju :D2nd…gosh what a good night out:DLove Ethan's photo.
me of few words says…ethan looks great!u look great!the door gifts are great!happy to see u had a great time! :)GREAT!
fuyoh.. finally we see this come to reality!! fuyoh.. your baju very sweet la.. fuyoh… apron so cute on Ethan la..next, show us you in that adult apron! :p
War…you guys were having a great time huh! :D
drooling over the freebies? how to join that?
wow so fast! thanks for hopping over my blog :D I'm still drafting my entry he he :D nice meeting u last nite ;) gonna be linking u too mine aite!
wow fantastic gathering, i am sure u are really glad u went huh :)Great goodies too :)
Hi submerryn,a very good write up on the event!Nice to meet u last nite!Yep stay in touch!Cheers!
Wah! Celebrity… So Ethan went in the end, izzit? I remember you said only parent invited?
@STP – Ethan tak pergi lah.. he went to send me there n fetch me oni.. I attended the event.. ALONE! :)
Sooooo fun! I wish I could join the fun…
what a great event. Don't think we are going to get this kind of party in KK :(
Mmm, nice party. You look great in your evening dress!
Nice party for you and good that u go…u looks really enjoy there and bring back the nice goodies…
Hey there! Thanks for swinging by my blog. It was so much fun la the dinner! I'm surprised the gambar turned out well.. hahahah! I am usually useless with the camera. Let's keep in touch okie?
wow, great meet!
Wow..Merryn, you look so stunning. You did something to your hair is it? Great dinner party and nice freebies.
@Mummy Gwen – Hehehe.. blush! Yep.. straightened it before CNY that day :D
Wow!~ You looks very young and pretty :)I wanna find one little apron like that.. Does Disney sell it?Such a lovely outings with wonderful gifts..
interesting and lovely party and you look great!I love the door gifts, especially the apron, look so cute!
Cool! A lot of present given as well. I like the last photos! Ethan look so happy and like the apron so much. He is the small chef in your house.
Oh my!! You look so stunning with your baju!!Thanks for the update on the playhouse Disney, I pretty reluctant to let Kyle watch it, only on it when he is cranky!!He is not focus on watching TV, only look for particular stuff when he watch it!! :-)