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I’ve been busy remodelling my
‘studio’ lately. I have around 48 hours to get it up and ready. Some of you might already know the reason behind the rush. For those who don’t, let me get it done and over with and only then, I’ll let you know
kay? I don’t want to jinx it or anything. I’ve already enough of
‘headaches’ for now
Before I drag my butt back into the ‘studio’, let me share with you this picture I took a little while ago. My two Ethans :) Notice how much chubbier he was last time? Boy.. has he grown.. But his passion for arts n craft remains and for that, I’m thankful :)
Wah…sounds like a big project. Setting up your own tuition centre ke? Good Luck. :)
one leg kick ah? Very tiring leh.Dont over exert yourself ya..CNY just around the corner
Clever boy, ethan!U hang in there and waiting for ur good news ;)
Ganbatete Kudasai. :)
mmm Let me confirm one times again with you… You are craft teacher right? Ethan is your assistant right?
GO!! GO!!!! ALL THE WAY, MERRYN!!! Pushing u from behind all the way! U CAN DO IT! :P
It's normal – once kids lose their puppy fat, they look thinner. Weight gain should be constant though… Docs should know the milestones to look out for along the way…some faster, some a bit slower. Good luck in your endeavour…
Add oil ya!! You can surely do it! Ok la… I don't know apa itu la…but still, you'll announce it once you've completed ma hai mai? :P
Nice poster boy! :)
The new "Michel-ethan-gelo" in the making, he is left handed? Heard lefties are artistic and creative.
Ahhh, mommy take good care of boy boy, so boy boy grow really fast lah!Congrats on the opening of your new arts and craft center!
Ok wouldn't want to jump the gun shall wait for official. Ethan is growing fast. Cheers!
Going for some TV show???? or having big project coming up…?? Curious ??I can see Ethan is growing up now…a big boy now.Wish u & ur family 'happi CNY' !!
u gonna do GREAT!all da best, you can DO it!Just do it – NIKE!wakakakakkakkakakaakka!
Waaaaaaa… Ethan boboy…. missed his sweet cheeky smile. Huhuhu! Yep… he shed some of his baby fat, that I can see. Last time chubbier. More charming now. *grinZ* Come, come, let AUntie here give you a hug!
I don't know eh, nvm, will wait till you update your blog, anywhere best of luck to you.
Can't wait to hear more abt your 'big' project too!=)
You can do it! All the best :)Ethan still cute, he is an adorable blogger boy and talented artist too :) Waiting for your announcement!
studio? what r u working on?
i always like to see ethan in your crafty blog. he is so good and i bet he will grow up to be very creative :D
huh? what's happening?
wow, cool stuff… Ethan is a pro helper cum model!
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very crafty indeed!
looking fwd to know more about your special project!!!