Nuffnang Friso Family Day Out
Remember I blogged about Curious Kid Needs to Be Tough Inside? Well, that got me (and family) invited to Nuffnang Friso’s Family Day out in 1Utama today. It was held in Kizsports & Gym, 1Utama, Old Wing.
What a great way to start the new year as I soon found out that many other bloggers are going to be there too. And sure enough, today, I met several of them :D

Who are the fellow bloggers that I met? Let’s see… I saw Via (and baby Dylan) as soon as I entered the venue (no photo with him though). Then I saw Cynthia, followed by pretty Mummy Ling and then Mummy Moon. I sneaked behind CH Voon to give him a surprise but ended up getting surprised myself!
Voon, I have only ONE thing to say to you – Your profile picture doesn’t do you justice, please change it! He is such a good looking dude, I had to check the tag on his sleeve to confirm if that was indeed HIM! :D
I met Chin Nee for the very first time too. I had to admit, I don’t know her as I don’t read her blog. But after seeing how adorable her twins and daughter are (not forgetting how friendly she is) I’ll definitely be following her blog from now on :D
This is definitely a great day out as not only I spent time with my family, I spent it with fellow bloggers who are actually very close to me :) Ethan certainly enjoyed himself. I enjoyed myself and Darling? Hmm.. I guess he enjoyed being a kid again going down the slide with Ethan countless times :D
Aiyo… i though i am the first commentator… but i am not… Anonymous… put delete u self la…Show you real name hahahaCongratulation to you! :)First time, blogggers gathering… actually, i saw some blogger too… i can regconiseg their children face.. but not sure their parent because they never put their photos in the blog!i see boeyjoey there too… if i am not wrong… she brought her daughter and son. I see brocoli ginger too.. maybe…I saw my main contractor too!!! All is mummy blog hehehe not daddy :(spend n ot much time there… cause the class kill my time mostly…Nice to you and bloggers.By the way, i am fat… need to keep fit as well…. else my ear will tarik long long
waaaaaaaaah, u won rm100 voucher! more toys for ethan! congrats!
So all these bloggers are married one lah, where got fun? Haha, just kidding!
What a great start to the New Year! Happy New Year!! Btw, quick, quick, go over to my blog now – your name is mentioned ; )
Eh, ya how come Voon looks different here? Maybe his wife wants him to put up his "uglier" photo online, hahaha!
great to meet u too, Merryn. Wow…u are so quick at posting the pictures. sigh…with 3 crazy running kids, i din even manage to chat much with u all!
foongpc: hahaha that is the best photos i have….
Voon – You saw them but did not approach them? Apa lah? What's your main contractor doing there lah? He blog oso ah? Cool!!! Btw, I've deleted the anonymous comment as it is a spam.. :)Irene – :Dfoong – lol.. i thought so too :D His bini takut dia cari perempuan online… so put up da uglier version.. tapi… real person!!! Fuiyo!!! :DMummy to QiQi – :D That's what I do.. I'm a blogger :P
Voon – TIPU!!!
Such a good activities…same time can meet some blogger friends too.I wish I can be there too.
Fuiyoh…looks like fun. Kinda regret i didnt enter too. Congratulations on inning RM100 certificate. Ethan sure have more toys to play with :)
Looks like lots of fun !!Anyway, Happy New Year to you and your family :)
wow….another exciting event. Cyn did invite me to go..but i chicken out cos i m afraid of crowd on a super peak weekend. glad u had all the fun n meeting up of bloggersHappy New Year 2010 and Best Wishes to you.
I guess you like young kids a lot huh.. haha yea they are really cute.
hey.. that was so nice..yo..i envi u all la..so youngmothers and handsome fathers…. if i go there, sure feel out of place hor? anyway, great to see all u bloggers getting to know each other..yeah, voon certainly looked different, his pic here is like.. very.. very how to say.. hahha.. cute big boy like that… but in gambar, hensem hor?hahaha… wish i were there too, Merryn…
Wah…what a good turn up. Gathering for bloggers again..hehe. Congrats on winning the RM100 voucher!
HI merryn…. got ur call card from my husband…BTW, right after the event.. we looking for Mc D first cos still hungry and after that go to toysr'us buying toys…how about urs?will do the post about the event later…
wow….it looked so happening and fun there…best part is you can meet so many other blogger friends too…Congratulations on being a winner. Ethan will soon have some new toys to play…..
I agree! ChVoon looks so slim in tat photo!I think Ethan will be famous someday, he loves the camera so much^^
=( I never had the courage to put myself in my blog Merryn. I['m afraid people will call me a witch! LOL… neway… congrats! =D
see.. I say so.. I will surely see this post up in 'minutes' hahaha… I think ppl will think Breanna is your god-daughter or wat.. tengok her gambar in all your post.. me so flattered la… muahaha… VOON!! Don't say your wife pull your ear la.. she such a nice and quiet lady…
Mery – At least you managed to meet up with ME and Cynthia :Dsmallkucing – You should have participated lah. Then we'll know how the CAT looks like :PAdrine – Yes, it was lots of fun. Happy New Year to you too :DLil Lamb – Aiyo, what a waste. You should have come! Early morning no crowd yet.. Vince – I'm a mother of a two year old. I HAVE to like kids no matter what.. hahaha
claire – In gambar so hensem? In real person LAGI hensem leh! This Voon has been deceiving us all this while.. bad, bad Voon! :P
Mummy Gwen – Great turn up but I only recognise about 1% of the bloggers there! :)Yatie – YO! Someone I got to know at the event :D Cool :) Havent utilise the gift certificate yet :)Baby Darren – Welcome back here, it's been a long time :D
Kelvin – I think the highlight of the event WAS Voon! lol… the surprised that he gave us all… hahahaha… Cleffairy – You don't have the courage eh? Then I'll meet up with you, get your pic and put it up in MY blog.. coz I have the courage! lol.. can ah? :PCynthia – Breanna too cute lah.. Even William can't resist her :D See she so cosy with me dy.. hahahaha
yeah merryn,breanna was w u in nearly every pic!hehe..btw,she's such a cute baby especially when she sat at the makan table w ethan n look at the camera..cute!J
Wow what a great gathering for the mamas & papas and children. Yeah agree CH Voon is two different person.
yeah! i am the first commentator! wooo heehe
Merryn, has been so nice meeting u and Ethan. Ethan such a good boy.But didnt really get to spend much time and take pic with u all as i didnt want to spread the virus to u all bcos that day me and Ethel were having bad cough n running rose..SIGH!!I think i have to grab some pics from ur blog to add to my blog post later on…hope u dont mind..Hey..didnt know we are staying quite near to each other…heheheh. CNY go to ur hse..(tak malu betul..hehehe)And congrats to u on ur winning entry!!
Wah…that Voon certainly looks different from his profile pic! Waht big earlobes he has! Very "ho mia" (good life) like that! LOL!!! Wow…won RM100 voucher, so lucky! Good start to the New Year!!!
Lady J – Breanna is just too cute rite? :DBananaz – Extreme make-over :)Voon – Still not changing that profile pic of yours?? lol..Mommy Ling – Grab all you want.. and no probe, CNY we'll meet up :)stp – You noticed his ear lobes? lol.. now i have go back there and check it out.. hahaha… Voon is famous in this post :D
Nice! I can almost sense the excitement of meeting each other. Looks like this blogger's meeting is the highlight of the event. So, Voon has been hiding his hensem face all this while, eh? ;-) Congrats for winning the TRU voucher :-)
Hi Merryn, happy new year and all the very best of 2010.I can imagine how wonderful it is to meet the faces behind the blog callsigns.I hope one day too to meet my blogger friends. Will look forward to that day.Enjoyed looking at your lovely pics here. Looks real fun.You stay young and keep a song in your heart and have a great new year. Best regards, Lee.
Im sure my kids will love this too! Waiting for one in JB…haha
So nice to see you guys so happy and having such a great time!You guys are so lucky to have each other. Have a great year!hugs,shakira
OMG… CANNOT put up my pic lerr…. I die later! Wait ppl see me laugh til golek golek on the floor cannot stop, den how? I look like kartun liddat. Better dun put. Besides, I want to remain anonymous. If's you've been reading my blog since 2 years ago, you will know why… cuz I also write bout politics stuff. Not all things that i wrote are pleasant, and i have a lot of enemies. It is safer for me, and my family to remain anonymous. Hmm… I think… must wear mask lah, if go out wif u. Eii, Merryn, when u free ah? These days busy anot? If I got drop by 1U…how to contact u for meet up ah?
hi merryn….nice to meet u too…so sorry, did not take pics with u …. i met ch voon also, also did not take pics … dat time dylan is too excited … so need to handle himi did not stay for the event long…anyway, it is a great event …
via – Understood. Dylan is still young :DCleffairy – You go to the information counter and they'll know where to get me :D After all, 1U is MY second home.. lol.. but no worries, I'll email you my contact details :DShakira – Yes, I am lucky to have all these great bloggers as my friends now :DChrisau – Somehow these benefits often happen in the Klang Valley only eh?Unc Lee – Thank you. You reminded me how important songs are to my life.. Have a great day :)ChloeRuoyi – How come you did not participate in this?
So fun!!! And congrats on the winning!!!
Wow great job on winning! I will probably NEVER get to meet u since I avoid huge gatherings such as these…..too much stress for me to handle lol
hi…thanks for visiting my blog…the event photo can be downloaded at <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yzbrrkz…..http://tinyurl.com/yzbrrkz…..<br />so tired and need sometime to write the post event review……ok see ya
heard of uf blog a couple of times before from claire's, eugene's blog.. XDoh.. oh.. CH Voon is a leng zai ar?hahah…
cleffairy went to that event also?lolol.. got pic? XD
Donna – Cleffairy did not attend that event :) at least not that I know of lah :DKheirul – Thanx dude! I've just checked them out and I see so many other blogger's anak that I know in there. Hey.. my Ethan is in there as well. Thanx again dude.. I'll share this link with others :DBryan and Brandon's – Yes, I can understand YOUR stress :DMommyAngel – thankx :)
nice event kan, got free food, goodie bag, games and you won the prize ! Congrates!!!!!!!!!!! I also happy to meet you, cynthia, chin nee and etc! Too bad no time to chit chat wt you girls! You see me lah, busy wt two kids
Mummy Moon – Yeah, I saw Yan Yan and Heng Heng fighting… pulling each other's hair! lol.. i oso pening… :D
You actually went there? Ha :D War….you guys seems so be having a great time. I wish I can be part of this…but too bad…I am not a father yet. :p
Congratulations Merryn!I envy taht there's so much happenings there kids and parents can enjoy together, it's the same back home but here nothing really much. You've been meeting many bloggers too, so nice.
now that I know why you have won the prize from Nuffnang. Gosh, your post is superb details and creative. Congratulations…