I’m sorry to everyone…
But now that I’m more focused, I really do appreciate them. Without these people, how do I survive? My fellow blogger buddies Claire, Irene, Cynthia, Yugene, Barbara, Agnes, Shireen and Kathy. Thank you for your concern and to my non-blogger friends Devin Ding, Rose, K.C How and my cousin Cherylene, thank you to you guys too.
You guys must be wondering how am I now? Well, I’m better now that I’ve done what needed to be done. Though I can’t make things better, I see things in better perspective. I came to know people that I never thought I’ll ever come in contact with and I’ve made my promise to some. The main issue still can’t be solved and the people involved will make a life altering decision come tomorrow evening but there is seriously nothing more I can do.
I can’t or should not bite more than I can chew. I just have to learn to let go…
take care. :)
Hmmm..i don't know what happen to you, but glad to know you feel much better now. Take care Merryn.
Not sure what happened to u but always remember, there's always a solution no matter how difficult things are. Just a matter of time!
sometimes, it's better to just offer a silent prayer to the people involved and hope that things will turn out fine for them. it might not be better for them tmrw or the next day once the life changing decision has been made, but who know, perhaps one day…somewhere in the future. in life, there are certain things that are not within our control; therefore, we should know our limitations. u are worried about those people, but at the same time, do take care of urself, ethan & dw.
Merryn…sometimes the unexpected just happens.. take it one step at a time and remember, no one wants this to happen intentionally.. u have done your best to solve this.. the rest is up to others… dont be so hard on yourself.. just take this as a new lesson that will make u a wiser and stronger person in many years to come….*be here with u, dont forget that*
Take it easy and hang in there.
Hey, hope everything will be fine over there. Just hang in there and be strong, girl. Take care ya.
Merryn, u look like a strong girl and I am sure u are. Sometimes there are ppl out there that try to put u down cos u are nice, just be yourself and learn to let go.Cheers :)xoxo
Look at your son, then you'll become stronger!!Your boy get stronger each day, try to learn new thing in his life! WE adult should from our baby, they never give up, we keep encourage them to keep trying, never give up till they make it!!Girl, learn from little Ethan spirit ya!! Be here with you! :-)
*sigh* I dunno ur facebook…else I would have bitched with you. My life is almost crumbling too. :( *hugs* Whatever it is, you're not alone. Truthfully, Merryn…. Claire and the rest actually saved my life. They can feel me more than the people who are in my real life. If not because of their comforting words, I would have been suicidal. I still don't know what to do with all of the problems around me now… but I guess, I have to take one problem at a time.I am sure, you will persevere. Take care, merryn, and God bless.
you have FB? add me up =)I'm just glad things are good now
Hope everything's all right Merryn.A friend's dad ran away last night becoz he couldn't cope with news about something and probably fearful too. We prayed and prayed. Thankfully, he returned home safe last night.
Even might not know what has happened, but it's glad after reading this post, knowing u r getting better.Do take good care. Hey CNY is around the corner…cheers,yaa!!
you go girl… woman, don't worry too much of what has happen.. and I AM HERE for you anytime la…
Hey………..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm……..i……..just dont know what to say..but……to let you know…….i care…….feel free if you wanna to talk,,,, daddy is always here for you, dotter.take care now..i guess so worried, my first call to you went unanwered, thank god you answered on the second
whatever it is, just be patient.
glad to her you are feeling better.
What's happening??? Cheer up :)
Glad to know that you are feeling better… take care babe *hugs*
Merryn,Time will heal everything. I went thru a rough year in whole 2009 while carrying Derrick in my womb. I am still battling against this hard time now and I believe that everything will be all right again. I hope same goes to you. Lets work hard to cheer up our life :)
I dont know what challenges your facing at the moment but like what the rest of the people here have said, there is a solution for everything. Just take one step at a time.Chinese saying "Ship arrive port will auto become straight". Sorry ah. My translation a bit L-Lesen.
LOL-ed so hard at smallkucing's comment. beh tahanlah! LOL… I tak sangka got people's chinese word for word translation is as cacat-ed as me. *golek golek on the floor!*
wui, cleff. Good lar u golekgolek on the floor. At least can "mop" the dust from the floor leh :pWat to do la. Me Banana Chinese. Chinese writing know me, me dont know chinese writing.So I have to pakai tembak lor :p
What happened? How come suddenly…I hope you are feeling better. :(
wat is small kucing trying to say? That the ship in the ocean are gay and only when it came to the port that it became 'straight'??? What?????????????Now… now… lol… i kenot tahan dy…. laffing until eyes got tears.. hahahahhaaha.
What? You got FB? Never add me one? : )
MerrynGay ship coming to port:DGlad it makes you laff :p
Hi, thought I don't know what happen to you, but no worries, things will get better. Just be patient.
i always last commenter not like foongpc!Actually, i am the same like other bloggers that i don't know what happen to you. After check through all your previous posts… i still cannot dig out any information.Plan to ask some other bloggers from the list you mentioned… but i feel not so good to do so… just like kepo boy here!anyhow… hope everything well for you….soon
Voon – FUIYO!!!! Handsome nya your profile pic :D Finally you change pic liao :) Fee weet! OK..dat pic of yours? Made my day.. i'm no longer sad.. hahahahha..
Hi Merryn, altho I am not sure too what has happened to you, but I am sure you have done your best in working things out, And the rest, leave it to GOD, ok? Hope you are ok now.