Vital Years
When I was pregnant with Ethan, I worked in Vital Years until the day I gave birth to him and quit to be a full time mother. Few days ago, I got a call from the Centre’s boss inquiring if I am able to get back to work. I went there with Ethan to see what arrangement she can work out for me :)

Looking at how happy he was and how well he blended with the kids motivated me to get back to work. But somehow, the arrangement kind of clashes with my own classes at home. I have to try to reschedule several of my classes and see if I can accommodate to their working hours. My target this time is to send Ethan there only twice a week (one hour/session) and gradually see how he goes… If all goes well, we’ll be going to Vital Years in January :)
I hope all goes well with you. I am sure Ethan will have no problem with going to preschool :) Merry Christmas to you and your family :)
Hope it works out smoothly for u.. i m sure Ethan can be very "matured" and independant in time to come..
Good to hear that… last time, you are teacher lo… :) Teacher is good! so, you plan work again? Merry Christmas to you and Your family :)
Glad that little Ethan likes the place!Merry Xmas to you n FamilY!
*sigh* If my boy is half of Ethan, I'll be in seventh heaven, no joke, Merryn!Oh, yeah, merry xmas and a happy new year.
Merry Christmas!
Happy to hear that!! And Ethan is indeed a very good boy… I wonder if Maine can ever be that good when she goes to school :P
Merry Christmas to you and your family!Hope you able to work things out well for you and for ethan
May your wish comes true and all things work out well. Merry Xmas
good to hear that!!! and I am sure Ethan will enjoy that too!! So, next year cannot cari you for lunch liao lor.. :p
Merry X'mas! Hope everything works out the way u want them to be. That'll be a great way to start the year. ;)
I hope your plans turned out well. Good Luck. No wonder Ethan can read at such a young age coz Mummy is a dedicated and experienced teacher to Ethan. I better start teaching Gwen to read. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 to you and your family!!
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Wow! Mummy working, little boy schooling in one school. Good arrangement. I am sure Ethan can fit well in the environment.
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I'm sure u will managed well..with ur own teaching, VY teaching n Ethan attending VY… Best wishes
wishin u a belated merry x'mas and a happy comin new year! Tq for dropping by to mommiebubu's.
I thing little Ethan is the carbon copy of you, he can blend in anyway (with anybody) just like you. :p
Working in the same place with Ethan under ur eyes will be so ideal!!!! Good luck ya! I am sure Ethan won't have a problem :)
No wonder you teach Ethan so well!!! It would be nice though if you and Ethan work and teach in the same place.
hope tiz will turn out great for you guys! gambate!
That's great, ethan's interacting really well with the kids. SUrely he won't have problems in preschool.
It's a good opportunity where you can teach and Ethan attending classes there. Try to rearrange the classes at home.Are they giving you free for Ethan?