The Sound of ABC
I never like to teach children below the age of 4 reading the phonetic way. I find it troublesome and they found it confusing. I always use the whole word approach for younger children. But as I was teaching my older students the phonetic approach, this busy body of mine was always around. Yesterday, he requested for the ABC book and started to sound all the 26 letters of the alphabets.
To mothers out there who wants to start teaching your kids the sound of the ABC but are not too sure on the sounds, you may want to use these as reference:
A ‘air’ apple
B ‘ber’ ball
C ‘kh’ cat
D ‘der’ door
E ‘eh’ elephant
F ‘fer’ fish
G ‘ger’ girl
H ‘her’ horse
I ‘ee’ igloo
J ‘jer’ jug
K ‘ker’ key
L ‘ler’ lemon
M ‘mer’ moon
N ‘ner’ nut
O ‘or’ orange
P ‘per’ pen
Q ‘quer’ queen
R ‘rer’ rain
S ‘ser’ sun
T ‘ter’ tap
U ‘ugh’ umbrella
V ‘ver’ van
W ‘wer’ wall
X ‘x’ x-ray
Y ‘yer’ yo-yo
Z ‘zer’ zebra
Now, whenever Ethan sees a cat, he will say, C ‘kh’ cat and if he sees a dog, he’ll go, D ‘der’ dog. He is trying to figure out the starting letter sound of every thing he sees in his everyday life. ^^
Ethan @ 2 years old
how I wish I read this post much much earlier. I was struggling with the phonetic sounds with Cavan! hehehe… now I've learned it all from him LOL