37. Daddy + Mummy + Ethan = 1 Happy ‘Monkey’ Family
Ethan is still feverish. At times, his temperature went up to 39.1! Not only does Darling has to force him to take his oral medication, he also needs to insert the Voltaren Supp into Ethan’s rectum to bring down the temp ASAP. Luckily it is the weekend, so Darling is around to help out. That also means that we had to cancel all our plans and stay in the whole weekend.
It was tough because even though Ethan is feverish, he is still very active *that is actually a good sign* and demands to go out. After being couped up at home for so many days, today we finally broke free and decided to go to the playground. I brought along his porridge and Darling fed him there while enjoying the fresh air around us.
Since it was the weekend, there were not many people at the playground. By the time Ethan finished eating, there were only 2 -3 kids left. I had been longing to go on the ‘Monkey Bars’ for sooooooo long now but always too shy since there are always so many people around! But today, since almost nobody was around, I decided to give it a try (to reminisce childhood time). Still a little shy, I got Darling to do it first. He he..
And then, my turn…
By now, the little one got all excited and wanted to give it a try too…
That’s it-lah. Then it’s back home again for his medication and more rest. Hopefully he will get better soon…